Mir I'd rather see an enthusiastic if ignorant kid posting instead of seeing a grownup ( not you Mir ) insulting someone he believes to be a kid because he can't manage to simply ignore him. 
I understand your perspective, FLS, but you have to realize that he's spending roughly 1/3rd of his life in the game. It's not just a a good amount of time, it's 1/3rd of his life, which includes sleeping, eating, and other things.
In my opinion, playing an average of 8 hours a day is more than an escape into a cartoon world. It's very similar to people who spend that much time in WoW or EQ. It's a juxtaposition of RL and fantasyland.
For what it's worth, none of us played that much back then. Even if we wanted to, it was way too expensive! Wasn't it $6/hr after the first 5 hours were up?

To answer about me, playing gives me a little escape from RL concerns and thinking, much in the same way playing golf did that for me. So a little at a time is brain candy, for me anyways.