"Calibrating it is a real pain, as lulu said, but it's by far the most important thing to determining whether you will like it or hate it. Your TrackIR profile is probably the most individual setting you can make in the game, even more so than your joystick button setup.
I had to do some calculations (few) and a lot's of proofs
to avoid that the 'damned thing' went too fast during panning.
After all i was also a bit luky to get the result after 30 proofs about ontly!
I used this criteria:
1. AH VIEWS in relation with monitor are this (it's a black art!!!):
tl htl tc hrt rt
lc hlc c hrc rc
bl hbl bc hrb br
c = center of the monitor, tc = top center, hr = hal right center and so on.
2. Fix your TIR curve so that when you look at one of theese points on the monitor
then in AH you can see the VIEW YOU LIKE - not the view that you have in reality
otherwise tir becames unusefull AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS FOR HEALT'S NECK
For example: if you look at hrc then you got right view -- not forward right view.
And if you look at rc on your monitor then you got back right view.
3. Now probably panning is too fast. This is the part of pain.
You must do manually some changes in your curve and proof them.
I find that this wowrk for me (yaw axes):
a. from c (center) to HALF HALF hrc (half right center) ---- slow
b. from HALF HALF hrc to HALF hrc ------- a bit more fast.
c. form HAF hrc to hrc ----- quite fast so that i can get right view
d. from hrc to rc repeat c. and b. point
I know this can sound too much clear but i must go out of my home now.
Hope that if someone else develop a better thing then this, He will post it and does not take it
as 'secret'