Author Topic: Teh Hordez  (Read 50222 times)

Offline DrBone1

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #150 on: November 21, 2011, 10:36:35 AM »
you will get better with your SA and you will get better at your angles fights.
This is not the American Express Rewards Program!  You don't get TVs and fabulous vacations with your score points!!! :bhead
QFT. Some like to go a bit further with the challenge of landing every sortie
=The Damned=
I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.  :devil
Move up, move over, or move aside.  Simple kombat 101.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #151 on: November 21, 2011, 10:54:49 AM »
And some like to see the other guys fight back. Clubbing baby seals in a horde isn't a fight, and get boring pretty quick.

Offline nimble

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #152 on: November 21, 2011, 11:09:06 AM »
Make it easier for small groups to shut down a big horde push so there is a reason for the horde to keep some people in the back. Like lowering the amount of barracks on the field. Or removing M3s so you need to capture a field with air.
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Offline Rob52240

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #153 on: November 21, 2011, 11:21:29 AM »
Make it easier for small groups to shut down a big horde push so there is a reason for the horde to keep some people in the back. Like lowering the amount of barracks on the field. Or removing M3s so you need to capture a field with air.

It's already easier, any horde will be flying with bombs.  Porking barracks isn't very difficult and neither is porking ords.  Most players will lose interest before they run a resupply truck and light fighters always have an advantage over heavy ones.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline Butcher

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #154 on: November 21, 2011, 11:24:47 AM »
It's already easier, any horde will be flying with bombs.  Porking barracks isn't very difficult and neither is porking ords.  Most players will lose interest before they run a resupply truck and light fighters always have an advantage over heavy ones.

Except entire countries don't spend hours porking bases, in which you vtards only need 1 base to up 50 from and overwhelm a base regardless.
JG 52

Offline uptown

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #155 on: November 21, 2011, 11:27:25 AM »
What I find ironic about all this hoarde talk is that alot of you have joined these mega squads which are hoardes onto themselves. How in the world can some of you complain about hoardes when you're a member of one?! :headscratch:

Do you really want to get rid of hoardes? Start by limiting squads to 10 members and do away with all this multi wing crap.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 11:31:20 AM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #156 on: November 21, 2011, 11:27:50 AM » last thing...being a veteran myself, this isn't a war game either because there is no war to win.

 Its is a WWII flight sim with environments designed to facilitate the engagement of aircraft and ground equipment to allow that environment to survive longer to perpetuate that engagement for as long as it takes the fun police to drop the FH.....with indifference to vDallas, if you can get as many base hoarders as humanly possible to go along with you, base taking will always be easier on the player than multi-aircraft engagements....but the player will get better at nothing other than flying and dying for someone else to win nothing.

Carry on...
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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #157 on: November 21, 2011, 11:29:23 AM »
What I find ironic about all this hoarde talk is that alot of you have joined these mega squads which are hoardes onto themselves. How in the world can some of you complain about hoardes when you're a member of one?! :headscratch:

Their reasons are "it's the only way to defend myself against the horde"
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline uptown

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #158 on: November 21, 2011, 11:34:16 AM »
Their reasons are "it's the only way to defend myself against the horde"
yup. and my answer to that is to break these guys up and scatter them between the 3 countries
Lighten up Francis

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #159 on: November 21, 2011, 11:43:03 AM »
yup. and my answer to that is to break these guys up and scatter them between the 3 countries

Pleasure doing business with ya Uptown! QFT
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline Rob52240

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #160 on: November 21, 2011, 12:53:03 PM »
I'll go into more detail about the relative ease of porking.

It's not uncommon for my squad to pork an entire front or parts of both fronts or if we're really sick of losing fields just pork everybase on both fronts.  We do this as a squad and with the help of other squads as well as the occasional request for help on green text.  We might not get it done with 1 sortie each but a person rarely needs to fly more than 2 or 3 porking sorties to get this done.

Good porking helps you dictate where and who your foe attacks.  It's a lot more effective than getting off the topic of poor sportsmanship to cry about the so called hordes.

I don't like being substantially outnumbered either but it's going to happen from time to time and that's just part of life.  

I'm think that the horde is a lot like string theory.  Nobody can agree on what it is exactly, just that it's real.

Has Aces High ever implemented some sort of auto assigning of countries?  I wouldn't be opposed to trying it so long as it keeps squads together.  I think that the game would be a bit friendlier if we all flew on the same side from time to time.  My biggest gripe about the game is hearing all the paranoid nutjobs who don't want fly on the same front as someone who just transferred from another country.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 12:56:57 PM by Rob52240 »
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline f35raptor

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #161 on: November 21, 2011, 01:33:30 PM »
The one thing im getting tired of is ppl saying we dont have enough time to up and d efend the base, thats a load of bs, 8 out o10 times us brigade members willl most likly be at at an alt of tenk alt depending on the alt of an enmy base, also if you ppl would actually lool at your sectors you would be able to see when a missions is coming , hint all the red dar in the sector.

Offline uptown

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #162 on: November 21, 2011, 01:53:26 PM »
I'll go into more detail about the relative ease of porking.

It's not uncommon for my squad to pork an entire front or parts of both fronts or if we're really sick of losing fields just pork everybase on both fronts.  We do this as a squad and with the help of other squads as well as the occasional request for help on green text.  We might not get it done with 1 sortie each but a person rarely needs to fly more than 2 or 3 porking sorties to get this done.

This is a hoarde plain and simple. Why on earth does a squad with 31 members need the help of other squads to pork the front. I myself can pork 2 bases in 1 sortie. What you refer to as porking is actually flattening bases along whole fronts. Why else do you need the kind of numbers you suggest?
You say you wouldn't be opposed to auto assigning countries "as long as it keeps your squad together"  :lol Well the point of auto assigning countries is to break up these gangs  :rolleyes:

You also go on to say that talking about "so called hoardes" is getting off topic. Well the title of the thread is "Teh Hordez".

I'm sorry but I just don't get why so many choose to fly with 20 guys on squad channel. Can you even hear what's going on with so much chatter on the radio?
Lighten up Francis

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #163 on: November 21, 2011, 02:01:26 PM »
This is a hoarde plain and simple. Why on earth does a squad with 31 members need the help of other squads to pork the front. I myself can pork 2 bases in 1 sortie. What you refer to as porking is actually flattening bases along whole fronts. Why else do you need the kind of numbers you suggest?
You say you wouldn't be opposed to auto assigning countries "as long as it keeps your squad together"  :lol Well the point of auto assigning countries is to break up these gangs  :rolleyes:

You also go on to say that talking about "so called hoardes" is getting off topic. Well the title of the thread is "Teh Hordez".

I'm sorry but I just don't get why so many choose to fly with 20 guys on squad channel. Can you even hear what's going on with so much chatter on the radio?

(Uptown.....shhhhhhhhhh......t hey are the fight these days........shhhhhhhhh)
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #164 on: November 21, 2011, 02:56:32 PM »

No. Your over thinking the problem . If you want a swirling mass of planes roughly equal , that requires 2 hordes meeting , so go fly with hordes . If you take the time to study your map you won't ever get into an 8v1 unless you choose to . If neither of these is what you want...go to the DA . Outside of this just quit . The game has ALWAYS been this way and it always will . Adapt or move on . But from your response I gather you don't realize the fun of doing your best in a fight you cannot possibly win . Challenges aren't for everyone .

Open your mind, read and think about what guppy posted instead of just chanting. :)
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