Author Topic: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings  (Read 2974 times)

Offline snakeplissken

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By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« on: November 25, 2011, 11:24:04 PM »
Select Custom Arena
Select a name (Password is optional)
Number of players (limited to 16)
Select Map from list

.dplane 0 0 disables all aircraft

Select Options / Arena Setup / Fields

Usually You limit the plane set for
each country uncheck the boxes:
"Change Plane settings for: Bishops
Knights and Rooks."

Individual Planes are allowed by
Highlighting the field on the list
Highlighting the plane
and in the Middle box and selecting
"Enable Plane."  For example, highlighting
"A1" on the left, highlighting P51D
on the right and in the middle selecting
Enable Plane.  This enables the P51D at A1.

Selecting "Enable At all fields" Would
enable the P51D at all fields.  In this fashion
you can create a custom dueling arena that
only allows certain plane sets (Like an FSO

Arena Settings (What they mean)

Choose Options / Arena Settings / Environment

General Tab

Arena Flags (FSO standard is 1230)
- Lock arena - Locks arena from non CM players
- Protect Objects - unchecked allows Players to
kill their own Buildings
- Killshooter - Checked enables killshooter
- Perk Points disabled - (not used) Disables
earning or using Perk points
- Enable Squad Nuke - Allows CMs to delete an
entire squad in that arena
-Random Rotate - After reset fields rotate countries
- Disable Scoring - Used for ranking in the MA
- Use LPC codec - changes sound of ingame Vox
- Use VOX codec - changes sound of ingame Vox
- Use MS GSM 6.10 - changes sound of ingame Vox
- Use MS GSM 6.10 11kh - changes sound of ingame Vox
- Win Changes Terrain - Forces Map change with Win

BadwordfilterCnt - Profanity count before automute
BaseCountyPer (unused)

Communications Flags (FSO Standard is 3)
- Kill Message disabled - also disables bomber pnt messages
- Channel 1 Disabled - Disables Chnl 1 text

CountryBalancescale - automatically assigns new players
to a side

Country Flags Each Country gas their own subsection
- Country can fly - enables flight for that country
- County can joined - enables players to join that country

DaystilTerrainChange - number of days before auto map change
DeathMaxCount - Number of times you can die
DowntimeMult - Multiplies downtime based on object setting
Enemyfieldsper - % of fields to own for map reset
Enemymidairson - 1 = on allows collisons with enemy AC
Exitwhilemoving - checked allows towerout while moving

- Stall Limit enabled - allows stall limiter
- Stall Limit Disabled - Disallows stall limiter
- Stall limit new user - Allows stall limiter for new players
- Precision Bombsite - Green Bomber Practice Cross
- Dive Bombsite - Green Dive Bomber Practice Cross
- Lead Computed Gunsite - Green Gun Practice Cross
- Airshow Smoke on - Allows Red and blue show smoke
- Formations enabled - allows bomber formations
- Country Perk enabled - Hides Perk Point awards
- Country Balance enabled - Arena / side balancing
- Auto Calibrate Bombsite - Standard MA Bomb calibrations
- Use WW1 Planes - Will enable WW1 planes with .eplane 0 0
- Use WW2 Planes - Will enable WW2 planes with .eplane 0 0

Friendlyfieldsper - % of fields to own for map reset
FriendlyMidairsOn - 1 means you collied with friendly AC
FuelBurnMult - Multiplier for fuel burn - MA standard is 2.0
MinBalancetotal (Unused)
MinEnyValue - Eny Value (Unused leave at 50)
ResetAirfieldCnt - Unused Default is 1
ResetPerkPoints - Unused Default is 25
ResetTotalFieldCnt - Unused Default is 1
StallLImitAoA - Unused Default is 2

Strats (FSO Standard is 16)
- Disable Strat supply - Convoys run but no supply effect
- Enable Capture Order - Unused Unchecked
- Can Capture None Order - Unused Unchecked
- Forced Side balance - Unused Unchecked
- Must Capture Both Sides - % of capture needed from 2 Countrys
- Highlight Not Captureable - Red Box around certain firelds
TGCommandCnt - Number of CVs a player can control
ViewMode Flags - Allows F3 Mode
-Tower Gods Eye - Allows Non CMs to use CM-Eye Mode

Colors - Sky Red 255, Green 0, Blue 255 = Pink Sky

Ranges and Radar
BoatWarningRange - Range base will flash from an enemy boat Feet
BomberWarningRange - Range base will flash from enemy bomber feet
EnemyIconrange -  icon range for enemy AC in feet
EnemyiconLowRange - icon range for below radar - tied to radaralt
FighterwarningRange - range base will flash from enemy fighter feet
FogVisibilityMiles - Fog vis in miles
FriendlyIconRange - Icon range for Friendly AC in feet
ManuverKillRange - Distance in feet for kill credit from crash
RadarAlt - The AGL Alt enemy dots will show on radar in feet

RADAR (FSO Setting is 48 for each country)

FullFriendly - friendly dots visible all the time
TowerFriendly - See Friendly dots w/in Radar Circle
FullEnemy -  Enemy dots visible all the time
TowerEnemy - See Enemy Dots w/in the radar circle
DisableFriendly - Can't see friendly darbar
DisableEnemy - Can't see Enemy Darbar
PlaneCountersonly - Darbar for AC only not GVs
CounterAboveRadar - DarBar for AC above Radar Alt
RangeBasedCounter - Enabled for SectorCounter Range to work
TowerOnlyRadar - Radar available in Tower only

RadarUpdate - Updates dot and bar in seconds
SectorCounterAlt - AGL enemy bar dar will show
SectorCounterRange - Range from tower for enemy darbar feet
TowerBasedRadar - sets Radar circle diameter in feet
VehicleSpawnRadius - Distance in feet GVs spawn
VehicleWarning - Range in feet base will flash from a GV

WarningFlags (FSO Standard is 15 all)
Fighter - Allows enemy Fighter to Flash a base
Bomber - Allows enemy Bomber to flash a base
Vehilce - Allows enemy GV to flash a base
Boat - Allows enemy boat to flas a base

Weapons (each design sets the 1st 3)
Armored - Not used
Hard - Not Used
Soft - Lethality of auto and puffy ack
ManGunAmmoMult - Ammo Mulitplier for manned guns
PlaneAutoGunAmmo - Ammo Multiplier for drones and gunners
PlaneGunAmmoMulti - Ammo Multiplier for Fighters

Armored - Unused
Hard - Adjust Lethality of everying other than .50 and 5"
Soft - Adjust lethality of .50 cal and 5" guns

Armored - Unused
Hard - Adjust Lethality of Bombs rockets and torps
Soft - Unused

Hardness Multi - Individual Object Hardness Normally set to 1

ChangeCountyTime - Time between switching countries
DeathTimeMin - Tied to Death Max Count
Evening - Time Sun Sets
Morning - Time Sun Rises
MuteTime - Time Player is muted or ejected by CM
PlayerResupplyTime - Effect Field Supps have on downed strat Objs
TGRespawnTime -Time for TG to respawn after being sunk
The Unforgiven motto: Quid posset ire iniuriam

Offline ROC

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2011, 11:49:23 PM »
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline MachNix

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 01:43:45 PM »
Thanks for posting what you had in the MOTD.  I was about a half hour late getting there and was taking screen shots as I scrolled down the message so I could read it later.  I also wanted to get the message in a text files so I could add the notes I took during the session, and your posting saved me from having to type it all.


Offline oneway

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 01:49:24 PM »
Thanks for posting what you had in the MOTD.  I was about a half hour late getting there and was taking screen shots as I scrolled down the message so I could read it later.  I also wanted to get the message in a text files so I could add the notes I took during the session, and your posting saved me from having to type it all.


FYI Mach

The MOTD is stored on your hard drive in the aces high directory (motd.txt) for the last arena you visited that had an MOTD

Thus, Snakes MOTD was on your hard drive already; whenever your in an arena and want to save the MOTD, simply drop back to the desktop and copy the file from the AH directory to your desktop.

If you go to another arena that has an MOTD it will overwrite...



Offline flatiron1

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 09:44:19 PM »
is there a setting for how long troops live after going into map room?

Offline bbosen

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 06:21:17 AM »
After setting up your arena as described, then shutting it down, then restarting it again later, have they fixed the bug that failed to preserve field and plane settings?

Offline ROC

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 09:56:18 AM »
is there a setting for how long troops live after going into map room?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by how long they live.

I think you mean that if you make them live longer, or shorter life spans it controls how many troops need to get to the map room to take it.

If that is the case, they don't "live" and accumulate inside the map room, essentially "occupying" it.

The amount of troops it takes to capture a map room is controlled by the "Map Room" setting in Object Settings.  Each troop actually inflicts damage to the map room like a bomb, so it is controlled by the same values that control bomb damage to the other objects.

The default setting is 0.0015 which requires 10 Troops to capture the Map Room.

The individual troop damages the map room with 0.00015 damage

To change the troops, multiply how many troops you will require to capture by the individual troop damage amount.

For example:

Default Arena Setting 10 x 0.00015 = 0.0015

Modified Arena Setting 25 x 0.00015 = 0.00375

Add the 0.00375 to the Map Room setting and your fields now need 25 Troops to enter successfully in order to capture a field.

Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline ROC

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2011, 09:58:29 AM »
After setting up your arena as described, then shutting it down, then restarting it again later, have they fixed the bug that failed to preserve field and plane settings?

After you set up your arena and create the tables it will.

You can't change the default settings.  When you reload the map, you automatically load the default settings.  You have to go into the CM Tools, and load your custom tables.  Your settings will be saved there, and load right up, assuming you created and saved those tables correctly.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline ImADot

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 10:30:05 AM »
is there a setting for how long troops live after going into map room?

In addition to ROC's great bit of info, I don't think you can specify how long a player has to get the requisite number of troops into the maproom for a capture. I'm assuming you're talking about if two troops were killed by a player and now you're short, and you need to rush more troops in before the maproom is "reset" again requiring the full amount of troops.

If I'm not mistaken, troops "in the maproom" are "killed" when the auto-ack comes back up?
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Offline ROC

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2011, 11:58:43 AM »
Ahh, you know Dot, I think that might be what he meant now that you mention it.

Probably need to run a test on this, as it has been a few years since I've done it and who knows what has changed.

The ack should only kill the troops that are running.  The ack has to be down as part of the original "destroy the base" requirement but then the map room down time controls how long the base is open for capture.  Ack may come back up, but you should only have to kill the ack again to keep sending in troops.

Many years ago I did a snapshot with an extended down time so some vehicles could keep fighting for ownership of a field without having to keep destroying the field over and over again.  We took out the ack and kept running troops.  Base kept changing ownership.  This may have changed over time with different patches, and I have not checked to see if it still functions this way or not.

Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline oneway

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2011, 02:19:59 PM »
Ahh, you know Dot, I think that might be what he meant now that you mention it.

Probably need to run a test on this, as it has been a few years since I've done it and who knows what has changed.

The ack should only kill the troops that are running.  The ack has to be down as part of the original "destroy the base" requirement but then the map room down time controls how long the base is open for capture.  Ack may come back up, but you should only have to kill the ack again to keep sending in troops.

Many years ago I did a snapshot with an extended down time so some vehicles could keep fighting for ownership of a field without having to keep destroying the field over and over again.  We took out the ack and kept running troops.  Base kept changing ownership.  This may have changed over time with different patches, and I have not checked to see if it still functions this way or not.

I recall that ports and vbases are different than a field with a terms of understanding is that technically NOTHING needs to be destroyed at vbase and port to capture it...though not recommended of course

Correct me if I am wrong please...I often am...I suppose it could be tested by setting the auto ack lethality basically to zero, soften the map room... and running a bunch of troops in

-- side bar --

The Fellow might be also wondering how far a troop can run before expiring 1/4, 1/2, 1, 5 miles...just a thought

Offline morfiend

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2011, 04:10:16 PM »
 Great stuff guys!

  Thx for all the imformation and links,I know some of the trainers will be happy to make use of this.


Offline flatiron1

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 09:11:16 PM »
I ran a test a while back offline and new troops were needed after 12 minutes I think.

Offline 2DIE4

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Re: By the leave of the Gods.. The Custom Arena settings
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2012, 03:02:56 PM »
Good stuff... helps out a lot. :banana:
Smoke em if you can...!!!!