I'm just hoping HTC revokes it after it's shown to be a bad idea. Much like the ordered map capture idea. It's one thing to make the storch see icons longer ranges, but to reduce it to 500-600 yards for all other planes? Ludicrous!
That is further reduced to HALF if the vehicle is stopped. Insane!
Major whining by a few minority GV whiners who didn't want anything to interact with them in any way has now changed the gameplay dynamics.
IMO this is the worst idea ever, to give GVs such a false boost of power by hiding them in plain sight. IF such a system were to be implemented, it should be done so that planes also don't show up to GVs until the same range.
Wirble can kill you 5x over before you even have ID on it now.
(But... I guess that's what the GV whiners were counting on?)