Author Topic: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base  (Read 12229 times)

Offline Raptor

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #90 on: December 21, 2011, 10:27:33 AM »
The one graphical advantage I saw in World of Planes over AH was the elevated terrain. The mountains in AH look like straight lines and pixels, whereas with theirs they looked like actual mountains.

Offline grizz441

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #91 on: December 21, 2011, 11:53:49 AM »
LCAdolby You completely miss the point, the statement that lowering the price will increase the player base is as Dead Man points out the basis for all business. But it is completely irreverent with out considering the decrease in revenue side. The goal is to maximize revenue / profit not the quantity of players as you state. And hence if simply increasing player counts as you state the best way would be free.

Some where around 2001 - 2003 we ran real test offers at different price points to be able to calculate the supply and demand curve, I.E. What is the optimum price point.

Strangely most other companies followed our price point about 1 year later.


The price of flying aces high has actually gone down since then since our dollar keeps losing buying power.

Offline -aper-

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2011, 05:26:38 AM »
Hooooooowever.... and I know this is flamefest territory if there ever was one.... couldn't it hurt that much if HTC would try to add some "rpg" elements? I'm especially thinking about younger players. I don't 'need' that today, but when I think of how I played games like 'Elite' or the wing commander series, how very important 'immersion' had been, I know how much I would have loved such elements. And after all, I remember quite well that such things were indeed planned for the AH tour of duty.

I'm afraid it is not possible to add RPG elements to existing  MA styles of playing the game. But IMHO it is possible to add alternative choice of playing on the Main Arena. Something like this:
You start with the early war planes (eny 40) only . If you managed to get streak 5 you receive a bonus - a drone wingman manned by AI (on the same plane). So you can fly together with wingman and if you managed to get streak 10 you can get a new plane (eny 35) with one wingman or continue flying the old plane (eny 40) with two wingmans, etc. Plus the level of AI might increase after successful sorties. (novice - normal - veteran - expert). If you lost you wingman you can get only novice next sortie. If you got killed or captured you have to start from the very beginning. So you always start in disadvantage but you can receive a bonuses the other players can not get if they do not play this way. Some sort of RPG (grow your squad) style with good use of an early war planes.

Offline Lusche

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2011, 05:40:16 AM »
I'm afraid it is not possible to add RPG elements to existing  MA styles of playing the game. But IMHO it is possible to add alternative choice of playing on the Main Arena. Something like this:
You start with the early war planes (eny 40) only . If you managed to get streak 5 you receive a bonus - a drone wingman manned by AI (on the same plane). So you can fly together with wingman and if you managed to get streak 10 you can get a new plane (eny 35) with one wingman or continue flying the old plane (eny 40) with two wingmans, etc. Plus the level of AI might increase after successful sorties. (novice - normal - veteran - expert). If you lost you wingman you can get only novice next sortie. If you got killed or captured you have to start from the very beginning. So you always start in disadvantage but you can receive a bonuses the other players can not get if they do not play this way. Some sort of RPG (grow your squad) style with good use of an early war planes.

I was rather thinking of elements that are more about 'flair' than having actual impact on gameplay, mostly because I agree with you that more invasive elements probably won't work well with the MA structure.

One thing I could imagine (just toying around with a few thoughts) would be some kind of "pilot's homepage", which would be at the core a more stylish and much more extensive pilot's stats page. And it would track the whole career data for this pilot ID. The player could select a template, chose to mark some stats (like time played) as private and maybe there could be room for some (public) notes. And once the pilot ID is deleted, so will be this page...  ;)

To some players (particularly younger ones, I suppose) this could add a little more immersion, add some 'history' to the pilot ID (which just is another word for 'character') and could give the (bogus) feeling og having 'achieved' something. All of this could possible help to draw some people deeper into AH, stay around for a bit longer and keep their pilot ID.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 05:46:12 AM by Lusche »
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Offline oboe

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2011, 06:56:21 AM »

I was rather thinking of elements that are more about 'flair' than having actual impact on gameplay, mostly because I agree with you that more invasive elements probably won't work well with the MA structure.

One thing I could imagine (just toying around with a few thoughts) would be some kind of "pilot's homepage", which would be at the core a more stylish and much more extensive pilot's stats page. And it would track the whole career data for this pilot ID. The player could select a template, chose to mark some stats (like time played) as private and maybe there could be room for some (public) notes. And once the pilot ID is deleted, so will be this page...  ;)

To some players (particularly younger ones, I suppose) this could add a little more immersion, add some 'history' to the pilot ID (which just is another word for 'character') and could give the (bogus) feeling og having 'achieved' something. All of this could possible help to draw some people deeper into AH, stay around for a bit longer and keep their pilot ID.

I like this idea, and would like to see some templates themed along major air forces - so a pilot who prefers the LA-7 could choose a VVS-themed page, with virtual rank progression and achievement medals corresponding to Soviet ranks and awards.   Might be nice to be able to switch display themes on the fly as well, so if the VVS player gets tired of Soviet system he can switch to display his information (scores, stats, achievements, etc) to some other theme, Luftwaffe, RAF, USN, FAF, or USAAF for example.

To -aper-'s idea, I think streak-oriented achievements and awards may turn pilots into timid flyers who resist to engaging without clear advantage, and run when the advantage is lost.  So in that sense it may harm gameplay. 

I do believe some sort of player-character persistence beyond having the same handle and perk account each time you login would add a deeper sense of immersion and make it a tougher choice when a player is considering whether to abandon the game.

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #95 on: December 22, 2011, 09:48:47 AM »
getting new players started up that steep learning curve would help alot too.

I imagine that when AH started most players would have come from a flight sim, and after a little conversion training they would have been pretty much up to speed. these days most will have come from playing Halo and struggle with the sim aspect (you have to control everything yourself, the game wont do it for you.)

some kind of structured basic training would help new players transition. maybe (offline?) mission modules that cover BFM and BCM. some sort of trainer booking system via the website might help too.

(this occurred to me last night when a new player on knits kept asking for someone to teach him "dogfighting" when I suspect he couldnt even take off or land manually)
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Offline ZetaNine

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #96 on: December 22, 2011, 10:24:43 PM »

I think I mentioned this 20 times about two years ago....and gave up on the idea......but I still think it's an awesome idea.

there are broadcasting sites all over the in particular...called JustinTV.  many.....many gamers broadcast on that site.....both live......and with movies they shot of their gaming.

it someone from AH wanted to....they could put together a nice loop of live action video from in the a variety of vehicles and planes.....and they could easily run the video a broadcaster on JTV.  (once you run a is saved as an archived movie..and viewers can watch it again and again from a menu)  ...........and oh by the's completely FREE.  you can make a header to go over the broadcast that directs the audience to the AH home page.......and..they also have an attached chat-room next to the video casting...where AH staffers could chat ........and many of us could pop by to Pimp this place.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 10:29:03 PM by ZetaNine »

Offline pembquist

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #97 on: December 23, 2011, 12:09:30 AM »

Finally, there is the realism and learning curve of Aces High.  I've had a lot of friends I've tried to get into the game.  But with no experience in what it is actually like to fly a plane, and the difficulty of actually successfully winning an aerial battle they typically give up after the first month or two.  A lot of the time they never even managed a single air to air kill. 

I think this hits the nail on the head.  It really isn't that enjoyable to fly somewhere for 10 minutes and get shot down before you know whats happening.  I think a breakthrough would be to develop someway of making the learning curve more fun without dumbing the game down.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #98 on: December 23, 2011, 09:37:52 AM »
In WOT, non paying customer are at severe disadvantages, not only financialy with credit buying but with the advantage one can get from say...premium ammunition. I play WOT too, enjoy it for what it is and even buy gold with my hard earned money. I use premium ammo in low tier tanks to farm XP and it's much easier with premium account(double XP/cash) AND premium ammo(can damage much higher tier with gold ammo). Once you discover what kind of advantages it gives you, you cant use anything else. Create an environnement in which "wallet warrior"(and dont get me wrong, I'm one of them) dominate everything around them. 

Perfect setup for the xbox type except for one thing...... the xboxer will look for ways around having to pay for the elite equipment. This mean shortcut codes and "you know whats".
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Offline Nr_RaVeN

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #99 on: December 23, 2011, 01:15:33 PM »
Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base

Custom arenas with 24/7 up time ability with stats/logging tools like FSO .. :aok
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Offline killb8

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #100 on: December 23, 2011, 09:28:13 PM »
LCAdolby You completely miss the point, the statement that lowering the price will increase the player base is as Dead Man points out the basis for all business. But it is completely irreverent with out considering the decrease in revenue side. The goal is to maximize revenue / profit not the quantity of players as you state. And hence if simply increasing player counts as you state the best way would be free.

Some where around 2001 - 2003 we ran real test offers at different price points to be able to calculate the supply and demand curve, I.E. What is the optimum price point.

Strangely most other companies followed our price point about 1 year later.


I am glad to know your interested in this subject and impressed how quickly you have been able to distill the topic. Not suprized mind you Hitech has shown us(Players talking to you now) that he understands the question better than us. I expect this of all companys that they are directed by people who know as well or better what the comsumer needs (demands) are.  Not easy to do, and its why many companys fail in every industry. Okay HT you can go here's a towel for your ankle.
Never ever mess with the sentiments of core customers by qweeking the value for new ones, ever.

Its not a company problem guys its a player's problem right now. They need to keep it this way because if it becomes their problem it might be to late.

Something should be done I agree. I would like to see more players, but only my kind of players. I dont want to see more players if they are snotty nosed poopy pants, or I will have to walk idiots around by hand from A to Z conquering the map like a caterpillar eating a leaf. Similarly motivated and like-minded competitors paying the full subscription prices (after the 2week trial) only. Or else I would prefer twisting in the wind with present company.

Offline skribetm

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #101 on: December 24, 2011, 07:14:01 AM »
i found a new, lots cheaper hobby!

Offline oboe

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #102 on: December 24, 2011, 07:48:53 AM »
I think this hits the nail on the head.  It really isn't that enjoyable to fly somewhere for 10 minutes and get shot down before you know whats happening.  I think a breakthrough would be to develop someway of making the learning curve more fun without dumbing the game down.

This is sorta off-topic, but I think it'd be cool if you could download the flight path information for a selected plane from an .ahf film recording and import it into an Offline training mode function.  That way you could relive actual engagements you've flown and fly them over and over again and learn how to apply the proper ACM in situations you've actually encountered in the MA.

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #103 on: December 24, 2011, 11:06:05 AM »
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline Nr_RaVeN

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Re: The Marketing of AH - Ideas on how to increase player base
« Reply #104 on: December 24, 2011, 11:41:44 AM »
LCAdolby You completely miss the point, the statement that lowering the price will increase the player base is as Dead Man points out the basis for all business. But it is completely irreverent with out considering the decrease in revenue side. The goal is to maximize revenue / profit not the quantity of players as you state. And hence if simply increasing player counts as you state the best way would be free.

Some where around 2001 - 2003 we ran real test offers at different price points to be able to calculate the supply and demand curve, I.E. What is the optimum price point.

Strangely most other companies followed our price point about 1 year later.


I would pay more money per month for more freedom..
What about this Idea..
 Custom arenas staying open 24/7 capable of stat/log collecting like we see in FSO?

With the freedom of choice to run  24/7 custom servers with logging tools folks could hold events have contests and generally be more dynamic.
All niches of playing styles would now be available .

Things like , Only tanks, Axis Vs allied like we see in FSO events or servers that specialized in say only PTO,MTO or  ETO, arenas that were set up  with any settings the operator wanted. Full icon ranges, no icons,short icons, externals enabled,WW1 arenas that pitted Pitted axis V allies plains on WW1 terrains. The sky is the limit.

The potential for new terrain development by server operators and involved players that all in AH could share would grow exponentially also..

Doing this would satisfy far more people globally. Opening up AH to meet the needs of more people has the potential for massive global growth..  Increasing the chance to generate more recurring revenue is the goal right? The more subscriptions the more growth.

Giving the players control and freedom to run arenas as they wish opens the floodgates to an unlimited player base.. No player would be limited in how they wanted to set up their arena. It would be far more inclusive, increasing the potential for more customers translates into more recurring revenue and a much larger market share from the fight sim community globally.

   It would all  be additional on top of the existing customer base on the existing 24/7 arenas we have now like MA ect..

The consistency that 24/7 operation delivers is the key. This way a server operator doesn’t have to be in the server for it to run. For instance if a popular US server is running and has developed a following in a custom arena and the arena operator has to go to work at USA day time... the European players will still have a server to fly. other wise the server would be down..
Not to mention the momentum that’s lost when an arena is shut down and restarted. Imagine if the MA was turned on and off all the time.. one day it was there in the menu and the next day it wasn’t.

The potential for custom arenas to grow is limited in my opinion because they don’t stay open 24/7 they fall out of the publics eye.

Each server or arena has the potential to take on a life and following of its own if allowed to stay open 24/7 especially if its interesting enough to hold and log events on. That’s why logging and stat tools are needed.

Web sites would form around each arena,, pages upon pages of content such as "Aces high"  'custom arena" "High tech creations", "flight simulation" ect.  The reach across the internet would in itself perpetuate huge numbers of impressions directing potential customers to the free trial..
  The organic marketing potential is huge..

Opening the doors to everyone to set up arenas limited only by their imagination combined with the fantastic flight model, fidelity and security(NO MODS) Aces high delivers would open AH up for a huge opportunity to grab the flight sim market share. Especially once that news hit Sim HQ.

 Build a "Black box with freedom to move in" and they will come...

« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 01:16:39 PM by Nr_RaVeN »
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