Author Topic: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......  (Read 2148 times)

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2012, 06:29:37 PM »
When someone makes you the moderator ????  :rofl you can start telling people what to do ... 

Actually, baseless accusations of a player cheating is a violation and people have been given the PNG time out for doing so.

I also find if funny and very ironic that you're accusing WWhiskey and his squadron of wrong doing when your squadron is one of the worst offenders in the MW.  I don't think WWhiskey's squadron shares accounts and account information, unlike your Furious Furies squadron which by the way is in violation of the TOS.

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Offline grumpy37

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2012, 07:32:52 PM »
OK OK  lets get back on topic  LOL   so how about keeping points to the arena they are earned in?  IMHO anyone that doesnt like this idea is probably one of the perk farmers we have been talking about.
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2012, 07:39:06 PM »
Actually, baseless accusations of a player cheating is a violation and people have been given the PNG time out for doing so.

I also find if funny and very ironic that you're accusing WWhiskey and his squadron of wrong doing when your squadron is one of the worst offenders in the MW.  I don't think WWhiskey's squadron shares accounts and account information, unlike your Furious Furies squadron which by the way is in violation of the TOS.


Well I wasn't going to drop any names, but since AKAK said it....   :neener:
"look at me I am making a derogatory remark to the OP"

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2012, 08:07:20 PM »
OK OK  lets get back on topic  LOL   so how about keeping points to the arena they are earned in?  IMHO anyone that doesnt like this idea is probably one of the perk farmers we have been talking about.

I think it's a very good idea to limit the perks gained in a particular arena to that arena only.  It would prevent those that use multiple accounts to farm perks in the MW for the LW but it won't stop them from doing it to use the perks in the MW.

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2012, 08:46:35 PM »
I think it's a very good idea to limit the perks gained in a particular arena to that arena only.  It would prevent those that use multiple accounts to farm perks in the MW for the LW but it won't stop them from doing it to use the perks in the MW.


true, but the vast majority of perk farmers in MW are from LW.
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2012, 04:29:14 AM »
I thought they made it so EW and MW perks stay in those arenas way back when I still played. Or at least there was talk about it because of the people that went to EW and were farming or shade killing to use the perks in LW.
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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2012, 07:42:22 AM »
Maybe i need to make a different thread about this then.  So it doesnt get lost in this one and HTC not see it.
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2012, 07:44:23 AM »
accidental double post....
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2012, 08:14:23 AM »
Ok...  here we are again.  

First off... lets clear one thing up.  "Perk farming" as Skuzzy was referring to it is using two accounts in such a way that you are online with both at the same time.  Using one as a "target" and the other to shoot the planes the first is flying over and over again, earning perks and kills with no effort or chance of being shot down... since you are shooting at a plane controlled by you.   This can also be applied to players who do this by working together by flying on different teams but who work together to "give" each other free and easy kills.

Logging into the low numbered side and taking a bomber to hit strats or towns, and choosing not to join in the fights that are going on in other areas of the map... is often referred to as "perk farming" but is not the same thing, and is completely within the rules, and is an intended feature of the game as it is currently set up.   This is what WWhiskey was referring to as perk farming.  I have flown with WWhiskey for 3 years... and I can say with total certainty that he has never cheated, or manipulated the game unfairly.  He doesnt need to.  He is an outstanding player... one of the best pilots and tankers I have ever seen in this game.  Not to mention, he doesnt care about his score.

Second...  the continual whining and complaining on the boards about "how midwar is dead... dying... has a cancer" or whatever by those who are unwilling to do anything about it is solving nothing.  In fact... it hurts the arena more.  Pointing fingers at individuals, or squads for not playing the game in a manner that someone else thinks they should is solving nothing.  Trying to get special features added to, or changed in the midwar arena isnt going to help it in my opinion either.  

Everything that happens in MW... happens in LW too.  It's just that in MW, since the number of players is much smaller, there are a couple of things that happen that are different.  

1) Almost everyone knows each other... this either develops close bonds (even between opposing sides) or strong hatreds (even on the same sides).  In MW there arent 15 fights going on that you can go do something else and still find action with.  Most of the time, there are 1 or 2 fights you have to choose from if you want to be a part of the action.

2) The sides get unbalanced quickly and without notice.  Our squad took it upon ourselves to see if switching sides would help balance out the arena some.  At first... it does.  But when there are 7 players on each side... and 3 bish (just for arguments sake) log off to go eat, wife ack or whatever... the unbalance is back.  Also... people like flying on the same side with the friends and squadmates.  If the sides go out of balance, I know I am not just going to change sides and not be able to talk with my friends just to make someone who is whining about being outnumbered happy.  In those cases... I usually just go to LW if I feel like we are overpowering a side that has no chance... and fly with my friends and squadmates there.  

Midwar is never... and has never... had the numbers that late war is going to have.  10 on a side at any given time is a high number of players there, and is fairly rare.  Why?  Well its not because one side dominates the others.  It not because there are people whining and crying on all channel that drives people away.  Its because the "hot" planes and tanks are all in LW.  You cant fly a Spit16 in MW.  You cant fly a PonyD in MW.  You cant drive an M18 or a Tiger2 in MW.  More people are attracted to the "better" planes... and that in turns attracts more people because that is where the crowd is.

Grumpy... when I first came to AH... I felt the same way you do about LW.  I hated it.  I settled down into MW.  But a year or so ago when VF-15 moved to LW to get away from the drama going on in MW... I learned that I was wrong. LW isnt "bad"... its just different.  Yes... there are massive fights of 30 and 40 planes in giant furballs.  There are tank fights where sometimes you are dead before you can even see who is around you.  But there are also some epic battles that occur.  Its just different... and often times I enjoy that just as much or more than being in MW.  Im not telling you that you are wrong... maybe LW isnt your cup of tea... and that's cool.  It wasnt mine for a long time either, but after being in it for awhile, I changed my mind and its just another place to fly and have fun with my friends.

OK OK  lets get back on topic  LOL   so how about keeping points to the arena they are earned in?  IMHO anyone that doesnt like this idea is probably one of the perk farmers we have been talking about.

Now... your question.  And before I get accused of being "one of those perk farmers" by someone...

Thats 3 years of perkies.  If I am a perk farmer I am a damn crappy one.  What it really boils down to is I dont CARE about perk points.  I also dont care about score (feel free to check it if you are bored).  If I get perks for something... thats cool.  If I lose an ME-262 and the perks that goes with it... oh well.  I used to have a lot more bomber perks, but I lost a whole flight of B-29's because I was stupid.  One of these days I may get enough to be stupid with them again... if I dont... oh well.

But Grumpy... I am on the fence about keeping perks in the arena you earn them in.  Sometimes I think its a good idea.  Yes... it would keep people from coming into an arena and making strat runs to earn perks they are going to use somewhere else.  But that cuts both ways.  It removes an incentive for people to come to MW... and if you want the numbers in MW to go up, it needs all the incentive it can get.

The numbers in MW arent going to go up overnight no matter what anyone does.  No matter how much people gripe here.  People that want to fly in MW are going to fly there because they want to.  In days past, there were 4 or 5 squads that were on opposing sides that kept the arena in balance... and we all loved to hate each other.  Now there are only a couple.  MW needs dedicated squads again to keep the sides balanced, and the action going.

So... after a long and drawn out post... that no one is going to care about anyway... that's what I think.


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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2012, 08:45:03 AM »
First off thank you for a well thought out post   :salute

Now here is what I think....

It removes an incentive for people to come to MW... and if you want the numbers in MW to go up, it needs all the incentive it can get.   This is exactly, from what i gather from other players i have talked to, what MW doesnt want.  I personally never said it was cheating, its called "Gaming the game" and if thats the only way some can earn perk points then maybe they need to go back to the TA and practice a little more.  We want people to come in and fight, not go to the low or no numbers side and run a set of bettys to get points.  This messes eny up for one thing and secondly if said player is not engaging in the fight so to speak with as low as the numbers usually are it doesnt do any good.

I hear what you are saying about LW,  ive been playing this game for 10+ years and have spent time in every arena.  I flew nothing but LW for years when I first started.  I also know that MW will never have the numbers LW has and I personally would like to keep it that way.  The numbers are not exactly the biggest issue its spreading them evenly across the board.  You cant tell me its fun to outnumber a country 15-3 and roll their bases.  If thats your kind of fun then to each his own but I know for a fact when someone, including myself logs in and sees numbers like that they just leave.  

For instance last night when i logged on numbers were about even between the bish and nits at about 9 each, rooks were low with 2.  I almost went rook to even out the numbers but the 2 rooks on were not interested in the fight so i stayed bish.  After about 40 minutes or so the numbers dropped on the nit side by half or so and bish outnumbered them about 3-1, then it was 4-1 then it was 5-1.  The nits that were on got frustrated and left, im assuming anyway.  I watched this from the tower by the way while chatting with LTCAP on vox so i was not part of the "Bish Hord" im sure someone is about to go off on.  I then logged off and went to bed.

WWhiskey accuses me of just wanting it my way or the high way, thats about the most childish response ive seen on this thread.  Like ive said, im not the only one that feels the way I do, im just the most vocal.  I figure its my $15 too and if im gonna pay whats wrong with putting out how I feel.  

     :salute AKP....  always had fun fighting you in MW
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 08:47:08 AM by grumpy37 »
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2012, 10:17:51 AM »
First off thank you for a well thought out post   :salute

:salute AKP....  always had fun fighting you in MW

Right back at ya  :salute

It removes an incentive for people to come to MW... and if you want the numbers in MW to go up, it needs all the incentive it can get.   This is exactly, from what i gather from other players i have talked to, what MW doesnt want.  I personally never said it was cheating, its called "Gaming the game" and if thats the only way some can earn perk points then maybe they need to go back to the TA and practice a little more.  We want people to come in and fight, not go to the low or no numbers side and run a set of bettys to get points.  This messes eny up for one thing and secondly if said player is not engaging in the fight so to speak with as low as the numbers usually are it doesnt do any good.

My only point about the numbers going up, was that if there were a few more dedicated MW players... bringing the numbers up some, it would make side balancing easier than it is now.  Right now its almost impossible.  No... MW doesnt need to have the numbers LW has... but a few more would be nice.  



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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2012, 10:39:08 AM »

My only point about the numbers going up, was that if there were a few more dedicated MW players... bringing the numbers up some, it would make side balancing easier than it is now.  Right now its almost impossible.  No... MW doesnt need to have the numbers LW has... but a few more would be nice.  


10 -20 more would be great...  30 - 40 would be perfect i think personally. 
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2012, 11:43:35 AM »
I thought they made it so EW and MW perks stay in those arenas way back when I still played. Or at least there was talk about it because of the people that went to EW and were farming or shade killing to use the perks in LW.
It would be sensible, except that there just isn't much to use perks for in MW ... Tigers, Spit 8, Typhoon ... That's it ... NO BOMBERS at all.
Once in a while I take my meager accumulation to late war and check out one of the DELUXE rides ... It's fun and interesting ... If there's NO USE for the perks won, it's going to result in a LOT MORE pissed off players than are suggesting perks stay in the arena.
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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #58 on: January 14, 2012, 11:44:23 AM »
Sorry...   have to do this...


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Re: Please change the MW country change time to 15 min or less......
« Reply #59 on: January 14, 2012, 08:14:42 PM »
its made it this long slip, dont think you have to worry about it.
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA