Author Topic: WWI Squad: Skull Squadron  (Read 636 times)

Offline Skull_001

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WWI Squad: Skull Squadron
« on: January 15, 2012, 06:12:08 PM »
Hello all.
I had previously created a Squadron in the WWI arena, aptly named Skull Squadron. While I have sent a few invites in the game thus far, so far recruiting has been FAR from ideal. I'm hoping to up the numbers and possibly compete with the more well known WWI squads. Myself I fly the Fokker DR.1 however I hold no personal preference for squad aircraft. All I ask is any potential candidate follow a few simple rules.

1:. Be a team player. Sounds simple but it's amazing how hard it is to follow this rule. This applies to your squad as well as your in-game country. Help your allies and take help if you need it.
2:. Be past your 2 week trial. Again sounds simple but its no fun to have squad mates fall of the map after 2 weeks.
3:. Have a microphone. While not an absolute it certainly makes coordinating easier.

Hope to see you guys in the skies.

"Skull One"
LT Matt "Zero" Weekley
VF-17 RED22

EX-CO - Skull Squadron
WWI - Active