Author Topic: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses  (Read 3027 times)

Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #75 on: January 16, 2012, 03:46:09 PM »
Now the shoe is on the other foot, eh?  When the marines engage in dehumanization, then it is a question of necessity.  However, if the Taliban commits acts of dehumanization, then it is a question of character.  If you want to argue moral relativity, then do so throughout your opinion.  It is either acceptable for anyone to mistreat, dehumanize, execute, or torture their adversaries on the battlefield or it is not.

Furthermore, in the case of the World Wars, especially World War II, there were well codified laws governing the treatment of POW's, civilians, etc.  Breaking those laws is a war crime, and each and every person who committed such crimes deserves punishment (and if mentally damaged, rehabilitation).

Sure, I'm not Mr. Popular, or Mr. Veteran, or whomever you'd expect me to be, but anyone knows cruelty when they see it. 


Do you ever brush your teeth?  Whenever you type/speak the great many of us here in these forums wince.  

You may "call it like you see it", but the thing is you do not see it all.  Once you mature and learn that life isn't what the picture shows but rather what the picture doesn't show you will be a lot further ahead.  Until you truly understand what is serious and what is not, and learn to put all things in life on a scale and gauge it accordingly, then maybe you will hold fast your tongue and be wary of what you say.  Until then, keep reinforcing all the labels you have earned.  :aok
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline grizz441

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #76 on: January 16, 2012, 03:48:42 PM »
Are American soliders actively informed of the rules of the Geneva Convention?  Desecrating the bodies of the dead is against the rules our country agreed upon.  Okay so maybe it was questionable "desecration",  but for God's sake, why would you film it?  Let it be another lesson, as if there aren't a million other similar lessons out there in our technological age, if you don't want someone else to see something, don't film it.  

It has to be incredibly difficult to "respect" your enemy that obviously deserves no respect, but when you are representing our country, you must be held to a higher, almost non human, standard.  And I'm glad that the vast majority of our serviceman attain this high standard.  It's just a shame and entirely unfair that a simple video of one snap shot, one moment, a few soldiers in a moment of weakness, can demonize our entire military and mission over there.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 03:50:13 PM by grizz441 »

Offline Karnak

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #77 on: January 16, 2012, 03:49:24 PM »
Re-read his post. He thinks we started this war against them, they were the ones who came over to American soil and murdered thousands.
You are, generally, using a "them" brush that is very much overly broad.  Some, many of whom are now pleasantly dead, did attack us.  I don't think one can reasonably lay that attack at the feet of most of the stupid Taliban fighters, many of whom would have been kids when that happened.
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Offline AHTbolt

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #78 on: January 16, 2012, 04:00:37 PM »
Thats true Karnak but there continued suport of the ones is.
AWWWWW CRAP YOU SHOT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the desert somewhere west of Kuwait 1991.

Offline AHTbolt

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #79 on: January 16, 2012, 04:06:26 PM »
Freaking phone sorry for messed up post.
AWWWWW CRAP YOU SHOT WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the desert somewhere west of Kuwait 1991.

Offline homersipes

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #80 on: January 16, 2012, 04:09:33 PM »
penguin maybe you need to go watch some beheading vids to get a dose of what THEY DO TO our guys.  they have NO respect for any life at all, therefore I have no respect for them.

Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #81 on: January 16, 2012, 04:12:16 PM »
penguin maybe you need to go watch some beheading vids to get a dose of what THEY DO TO our guys.  they have NO respect for any life at all, therefore I have no respect for them.

post a link   ;)

I agree, they are as barbaric as it gets.  Stoning would be even worse. 
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline PR3D4TOR

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #82 on: January 16, 2012, 04:25:33 PM »
Re-read his post. He thinks we started this war against them, they were the ones who came over to American soil and murdered thousands.

The Afghans attacked NY on 9/11? The bastards! A a date which will live in infamy, like when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor!
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #83 on: January 16, 2012, 04:29:35 PM »
Keep up the fine work over there, ladies and gentlemen.  :salute

(I don't see us dragging their naked bodies through the streets on public displays, hanging them from the main span on the largest bridge in town, or leaving a mutilated/disembowled/decapitated corpse in some canal or ditch to be found later - daily.  I only see one miniscule issue here, I'm hearing a lot of noise, and returning to sender the indifference.)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 04:31:08 PM by Babalonian »
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline PR3D4TOR

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #84 on: January 16, 2012, 04:30:47 PM »
The Afghans did that? I didn't even know they had a bridge.
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Offline Penguin

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #85 on: January 16, 2012, 04:38:12 PM »
Please don't steer this conversation toward patriotism- I'm not in the mood to get banned.  All questions of loyalty, morality, and politics aside, though, the US brought a military force into the middle eastern region for whatever reason it deemed sufficient.  I will not comment further on that topic.

@bab what they do is wrong, but it doesn't justify any wrongdoing of our own.


Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #86 on: January 16, 2012, 04:44:52 PM »

nothing else.

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Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #87 on: January 16, 2012, 05:05:50 PM »
I'm not in the mood to get banned.

Then stop f*cking posting here you f*cking genius.
Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline MiloMorai

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #88 on: January 16, 2012, 05:20:15 PM »
They are elite soldiers, Marine snipers.

"Honor requires each Marine to exemplify the ultimate standard in ethical and moral conduct. Honor is many things; honor requires many things. A U.S. Marine must never lie, never cheat, never steal, but that is not enough. Much more is required. Each Marine must cling to an uncompromising code of personal integrity, accountable for his actions and holding others accountable for theirs. And, above all, honor mandates that a Marine never sully the reputation of his Corps."

Just because the enemy does 'bad' things, it doesn't mean you should also. It only levels you to their level.

So much for the moral superiority the USA claims.

Offline homersipes

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Re: U.S. Military responds to urination on enemy corpses
« Reply #89 on: January 16, 2012, 05:31:36 PM »
HERE YA GO PENGUIN!!!!and smokinloon lol
THIS IS WHAT THEY DID TO 1 JUST 1 OF OUR GUYS!! who knows how many more they have done this to :uhoh :mad: :mad:this is VERY graphic
sorry bout the other content on site
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 05:43:00 PM by homersipes »