THAT isn't Perk Farming, and it's not a problem ... Perk Farming is switching to a HEAVILY outnumberd side (sometimes 7 or 8 to 1) the upping a formation of bettys to bomb undefended towns in the 3rd country ... the guy who was bragging about that _claimed_ he got 300 perks in around an hr ... At the same time he decreased the odds by around 30% and enabled better planes for his HOME COUNTRY - THAT is perk farming.

Well, I doubt that his claims are founded in truth.
Your 9 vs 3-4 last night was like the mother load of perks, however.

I never realized that one could bag so many scalps that were worth so many perks in such a short amount of time

You guys were like pelt dispensers, I even got some jeep kills