Let's keep this in context, OK? I'm not asking that anyone be restricted ... Just that they PAY for privileges to prevent the abuse OF those privileges. Doing so on a % basis assures that no-one is restricted as those with LOW levels of perks can still switch freely and noobs can still TRY different environments looking for what they like best ... the TO THE RESCUE / Low Numbers, White Hats, can still go wherever they please and hey THEY aren't interested in PERKS anyway ... are they?
The LWA has a much larger infestation of sideswitch abuse, it's just not as noticeable because the players don't know everybody and don't encounter the SAME PEOPLE pulling the SAME STUNTS on a regular basis ... I suspect this measure would clean up the game significantly, and I'd bet that the Player Counts go UP accordingly ... I've seen WAY to many good people QUIT THE GAME in the last 2 months due to frustration with abusive players.
Funny you should say that, since you have taken quotes of mine, and many others, out of context.No, I mentioned Honesty, Loyalty, Fair Play, etc ... as abstract concepts ... YOU may have tried to change the context, but if so, you failed miserably.
I am, infact, devotedly loyal to the people I play WITH ... WE CHOOSE to identify ourselves with an ICON provided by the GAME.
You'd have to take that up with HT, he created these things. I kind of like them.

Ironic you should say that, since you have taken quotes of mine, and many others, out of context.Your skills at apologetics and your attempt at using argumentum ad verecundiam (appeal to authority) is what is failing miserably. Although your loyalty may be admirable, it is your choice to remain that way. It is not necessarily the way that all others in this community play. Trying to foist your style of play or concepts of what if fair, loyal or honest onto the rest of the community, at-large, is not going to help you make your case. When you have actually been a part of this community for more than 6 months, you will become increasingly aware of this fact.
HTC has made the 3 countries in order to have a 2 front conflict and has implemented the ENY system in an attempt to keep the numbers balanced.
HTC has already stated that there will not be a perk economy beyond the scope of the ability to earn them towards the "purchasing" more capable aircraft/vehicles. As it is used currently, it is more like Scrip than legal tender. The taxing of perks, or using them for anything other than to spend them on airplanes would invalidate the whole concept of what they are intended for and would constitute an economy.. If you think folks "cheat", game the system or perpetrate other nefarious acts to farm perks, imagine what would happen if perks could be used to "purchase" more options/privileges. Some folks would go apetoejam.
Beyond the fact that HTC has stated that it won't happen, the fact of which perks (fighter, bomber or vehicle) would be used for what actions in this proposed perk tax leads me to believe that this idea is half-baked, at best.
Carry on