Some people switch sides to even things up or to increase their available targets. Let's be sure to punish them severely.
Yes ... Some people do, with the best of intentions, acknowledged. BUT ... that's also the EXCUSE used currently by ONE SIDE in the MWA (that frequently has an OVERWHELMING NUMBERS advantage) to send side swithchers to one of the other sides and TAKE IT OVER so they can then -GANG-BANG- the 3rd side on two fronts AND manipulate ENY while doing so. When this happens the regular players on that side either LOG OFF or are forced to LEAVE in order to disassociate themselves from such behavior. (just so much fun, isn't it?)
Some people log off and other people log on the other side and it just looks like side switching is occurring. This tends to be time zone related. I'm sure you verified every player that actually switched sides and didn't just watch the numbers change but other people get confused when this happens.
I play mostly in midwar, where 30 players on, total, is a LOT. Sideswitchers and their shades are pretty well known. NOOBS are watched fairly closely.