X58 mobo Realtek HD Audio, stereo headphones. if I use stereo sounds it seems to confuse my 3D perception of where the sound is coming from in GVs. Also the engine sounds dont really work because they follow the view around, rather than being tied to the engine position (something that needs to be fixed by HT imo).
onboard sound is "somewhat" limited
I`d suggest Turtle Beach Ear Force Z6A Quick Disconnect Connector Connector Circumaural PC Gaming Multi-Speaker 5.1 Channels Headset
Pricey but worth it for headphone use
Regular stereo headphones are most times one speaker and one defeats the 3d positioning IMO
Pipz and Fugitive did these headphones with sound card and tell me how sometimes explosions scare them in cockpit

Ebay might be cheaper way to go
And a creative 5.1 or better sound card
"If you cant swing it i can update Mono pack and upload it to mediafire for your listening pleasure would be no trouble"

Let me know bro