'Betrayed Skies" Rudolf Braunburg. A novel, but written by a former 190 pilot. A totally different look at the airwar from an anonymous German pilot.
"Nanette" Edwards Park. Still the best fighter pilot book ever. P-39s in New Guinea 1943
"Serenade to the Big Bird" Bert Stiles. Best first person account of the life of a B17 co-pilot. Written before the war was over as Stiles died on a second tour flying 51s in November 44. Just re-read it. A very powerful book.
If you liked Hornfischer's "Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors", his other two books would be well worth your while. "Neptunes Inferno" about the USN off Guadalcanal, and "Ship of Ghosts" about the USS Houston in early 42 and her crew's experiences as POWs following their last battle.