Mr. von Richthofen, would you like to answer this question?
I l like the idea that the CO of a mission would be able to pick the skins for the planes on the mission.
I'm sure that many of us have our favorite skin for whatever we choose to fly.
Not many missions call for any variant of the P38, the only plane I fly, so I don't really have to worry about it.
However, personally, when I fly the P38G, I use Tom Lynchs plane. 39FS/35th FG
For the J & L model I use planes from the 80th FS, the Headhunters, even though I don't belong to that squadron.
They just happen to be my most favorite squadron, next to the 475th FS Satan's Angels, second favorite.
I'm a minor history WW2 buff, SWPA.
I grew up in Burbank, CA. The Pacific was more of a concern than Europe, to my parents.
I'm 64, do the math. When I was a kid, it hadn't been that long ago that WW2 ended.
Just another old guy's opinion
my $0.02 worth on the subject.