"I don't care if you get shot down and have to walk back carrying the POWs on your backs, bring our people home!" That was the order issued by General Krider to the joint Army/Navy/Marine unit known as Task Force Buster.
It's mission, to blast through Japanese lines and seize control of the notorious POW camp known as Camp 37. The brutal treatment of Allied prisoners at the camp was legendary. Worse yet, intelligence is reporting that the POWs
are scheduled to be transported to the Japanese home islands in exactly one week. There is no more time to plan, no more time to prepare. The rescue force must move now!
Operation area and recon photos:
Time: February 17th, 1945
Terrain: NewBrit
Fuel rate: 1.0
Ack damage: 0.5
Hanger & manned-ack downtime: 7.5 minutes
Icon range: 3.0k for friendly & enemy
Radar: Above 100ft.
Capture: Town 75% down with 10 troops
American victory condition: Seize and hold A36 (containing Camp 37) for 24 consecutive hours real-time to allow for evacuation of all Allied POWs.
Japanese victory condition: Keep Camp 37 under Imperial control until Friday, February 24th 1945, when all prisoners are to be transferred to slave labor camps on the home islands.
American forces: Japanese forces: P-38L A6M5b
P-47D-40 Ki-84
F6F-5 Ki-61
F4U1-D N1K2 (A36 only)
B-25H Ki-67
C-47 C-47
Fi156 Fi156
M4(76) Panzer4F
M-16 M-16
M-3 M-3
Jeep Jeep
Design note: A41 and A42 are acting as V-bases. Fi156 & C-47 are the only aircraft enabled.