It'd be nice if the engines didn't always start on the first turn. Making it so sometimes takes 2 or 3 or even 5 attempts to get your engine started would add a bit of realism to the game. Also I find it completely ridiculous to fight someone in 2 consecutive flights and have them cut their engines no less than 10 times, and have it instantly start back up. The E key is used as a crutch when in reality it should be throttle control. If the engine didn't always start right back up, maybe it'd force people to learn other aspects of the game besides Shift-+ and HO... i mean go.
isnt it funny how everything that people want added is always in the name of realism no matter how useless the wish is? nothing personal wil3ur but how in the heck sitting in the runway pressing e will make
a game more realistic? It's a game and it isnt more realistic than a dream.
you want realism then ask for a military chain of command. . we can have the president of the country, secretary of the army, the generals...
you refused to follow orders you get court martial. you switch country, you will be treated as a captured spy and shot. how is that for "realism"