Sorry, I'm more than a little frustrated.
Due to the "improvements" of the past 6 weeks, I've probably spent 40+ hours trying to get the game functionality back to what it was when we started this. Can't seem to get to there because another "improvement" comes along and puts me back again. These are hours that I would normally be playing and hopefully enjoying myself but they are just going down the drain to end up with nothing.
In this case I can tell you what doesn't work. I've:
1. Attempted adjustment of the X, Y, and Z curves on TrackIR 4.
2. Uninstalled TrackIR4, installed TrackIR 5.
3. Attempted adjustment of the X, Y, and Z curves on TrackIR 5.
4. Uninstalled and reinstalled TrackIR 5.
5. Attempted adjustment of the X, Y, and Z curves on TrackIR 5
6. Created a new profile from scratch in Track IR 5. I've also tried updating my original TrackIR 4 profile.
7. Reinstalled TrackIR 4.
8. Attempted adjustment of the X, Y, and Z curves on TrackIR 4
The entired time my head stays pinned to the headrest. Hard to do ACM if you can't see behind you.
I figure if I'm having this experience and getting this frustrated there are others having the same experience and just leaving. Not everyone can be this masochistic. It definitely seems to be something that happens as soon as the game fires up. Everything works fine in TrackIR in both versions. Fugitive's theory seems to fit what is happening. Does this only happen if you have roll turned off? I've noticed that even with roll turned off the view still rolls which is beyond wierd. Would it work to unsave the rear view?
The solid gold question seems to be, why? I'm considering taking up bridge or playing on the Xbox. Neither is as much fun but both are reliable and do what is expected. At lease I won't walk away with a headache every day.