And as long as we're at it. The roll rate on the Spit with clipped wings was done for one reason. The Spit Vb was so totally outclassed by the 190A when it appeared, they did everything they could to try and give those guys a chance. The clipped wing greatly improved the roll rate and they started it in 42-43. The Spit XII then was produced and introduced in the Spring of 43 and it was clipped from the start. With its low alt rated Griffon III/IV and clipped wings it was a match in performance for the 190s in particular down low.
Since the XVI was produced essentially as a ground attack Spit with the extra hard points, they gave it the clipped wing in production as the roll rate helped and the turn radius wasn't impacted much down low. You you guys whining about the roll rate being unfair, get over it. They did what they had to to compete. Since AH is a down low kinda fight most times, the XVI or IXe, since they are the same, does it's job well.
Clipping the wing was about a half hour job and was done often, in particular if the Spit was going to be working down low. That included Vs, IXs, VIIIs, XIIs, XVIs and XIVs although the XIVs were mainly postwar.
Clipped Vb from 43
Clipped XII
Clipped Seafires