tips for engaging the spitfire:
1) NEVER take them lightly if you're unsure of the pilot skill level. If you take it lightly, you'll get sloppy, if you get sloppy, you end up slightly dead.
2) see what advantages you have, be it speed, climb, turning, a relative E advantage, and use it. If you don't have one, then make one.
3 (2 cont.)) if you're a bit leery of your odds, back off; wait and reposition, make your odds more favorable.
4) if you are BEING engaged, decide if you can make him react to what you do inside of a minute; if you can't, then high-tail it out of there. Theres no shame in running, and besides, if its not running, its denying a kill to that "skill-less putz in the crutch ride".
5) remember speed, spits turn less and less well as the speeds increase. In a hard spiral dive, planes like the P-40 out turn a spitfire. Just set a floor altitude to stop at, so you don't blow all your E.
6) if suspicious of the spitfire, you should be: its a freaking spitfire; expect, and prepare for, some BS move that kicks your feet out from under you. When the ~99% of spitfires you will encounter totaly botch the job, and drop infront of your guns, you're always plesanty suprised.