PC Power and Cooling is just a name now. OCZ gutted them and all you are getting is a middle of the road type of power supply not even designed by them.
I agree 100%, I have the PC Power and Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W High Performance 80PLUS Silver, that I bought back for my AMD build last year.....
Chalenge helped me diagnose my problem down to it having "ripple" I sent it back, they ( OCZ - the warranty Center I had to send it ), pulled a remanufactured identical model off the shelf and sent it back to me...... the remanufactured replacement had a different problem , I refer to it as dirty power.......
on another "old" Silencer 750 watt PC P&C PSU I had, I had lost the 12V 4 pin/8 pin section of the PSU after using it for right up to the 5 year warranty ( was 3 days past )...... I had an ID10T error while taking it apart and cleaning the insides out causing it to ground out that section I am assuming....
they fixed this PSU instead of swapping it out, and sent it back free of charge or repair charge..... this PSU is still going strong in another AH Players computer still today
since then, I have switched to Thermaltake, myself................ particularly the following model
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153106and I am very satisfied, even though I have only used 2 of these in 2 different builds ffrom last year around April/May then the 2nd build was around August sometime........ no problems at all.........
Good Luck, BigR