Karnak, what you simply fail to grasp time and again is that GV's are fundamentally different from aircraft, and that by nessecity, solutions to their problems will be fundamentally different. If that means flackers kill as many aircraft as aircraft do GV's..... well then it does, and thats all.
GV's weren't put in the game to serve as targets for those lacking the skills to achieve A2A kills. If you want to bomb, HTC has already provided numerous targets for that purpose.
This being so, NOBODY'S gameplay hinges being able to bomb GV's; those that divebomb GV's can divebomb town buildings and hangers, and likely contribute more to the overall game play by doing so.
Those that hunt the bombers can still hunt the bombers.
Furballers can still furball in the ensuing fight.
Karnak, you're pissed you got killed fair and square, although in an admitedly gamey manner, we get it. But stop acting like a petulant 4yr old, and deal with the problem. Start your own thread asking for the icon range of flackers to be increased, instead of snipping in on GV threads with your poorly reasoned, and fundamentally flawed arguments.