Author Topic: DEVILS=v=BRIGADE  (Read 7707 times)

Offline ink

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« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2012, 10:24:05 AM »
Honestly Mir can you expect anything diff in the MA?

Maybe I dont understand what/or why some of you dislike what they do but why put yourself in that position to be ganged by them?

I had some nice fights with Vguys the other day and yes I had to chase a few of them down but hey who doesnt run in the MA.

I stand behind them and encourage them to provide more targets more often.  :rock  :salute

I know someone who never runs from a fight...... no matter the odds :D

I have never had a issue with the Vguys, they play the way they enjoy....except the armchair generals who think they can dictate how others play......

Offline tunnelrat

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« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2012, 10:41:31 AM »
I like the derision that TitanMD always uses when referring to "missions" and "mission planners".  The consistency is comforting.

You see, there is no "Base Capture Arena"... but there is a "Dueling Arena"...

If you want a REAL furball... i.e., you want to fly a fighter in conditions that are somewhat akin to those experienced in all theatres of war, then you'll want to fly CAP or fighter sweeps in defense of these "missions".

Alternatively, fly escort for a bomber "mission"...

Deriding the time and effort that are put into these missions, as if it is somehow to be looked down upon, is simply absurd.  

Of course, on the other hand, I believe that those who decry dedicated "furballers" are equally annoying (although they have a stronger position... wanting an actual war in the main arena).

I will say that flying against the Devil's Brigade... when both the Devil Dogs and the Brigade are organized and have decent numbers... has produced the most rewarding, exciting, and intense rumbles I have experienced to date.

As far as individuals on the "v" go, I haven't really had any issues with any of them.  I hear them called "vTards", but like I have said in the "Pesonel attacks" thread, I look at that less as an insult and more as the time honored tradition of nicknaming ones grudgingly respected foe.

In fact, when acolonitus called us "dTards" I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I will say one thing, however... Devil Dog missions are not just "horde concentrators" like I saw when I played on another side briefly before joining Rooks... every single one is planned out, sections are formed and formations are flown.  You can cry about them on 200 all you want, or you can attempt to organize a defense that actually succeeds in stopping one.  Your call.

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Offline Wiley

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« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2012, 10:44:37 AM »
As to the Vguys:  Yup, they're players.

This kind of struck me as interesting though:

what I find really funny is how some of the people that post how they hate hordes, routinely fly not with them but they stay close to them,  now that I find funny.

I was flying Bish last tour, and I generally avoid friendly unopposed hordes.  When there's opposition, I want in though.  I upped toward an enemy bardar which wound up petering out by the time I got to the base, but I noticed something.  The friendly horde was probably 3/4 of a sector away from me, and I realized the onesy-twosies I was running into had upped with intent to defend against the horde.  They seemed to want to fight as well.

It happened by accident but I got into a couple of 'decent fights' as a lot of the horde detractors like to call them.  What I'm wondering is if one might be able to find those 'decent fights' they seek in between the horde and the next base over more often because the defender types are usually looking for a fight.

*shrug*  It was just something that occurred to me what with the whole 'ecosystem' theory of the game.

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Offline VonMessa

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« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2012, 10:44:49 AM »
I like the derision that TitanMD always uses when referring to "missions" and "mission planners".  The consistency is comforting.

You see, there is no "Base Capture Arena"... but there is a "Dueling Arena"...

If you want a REAL furball... i.e., you want to fly a fighter in conditions that are somewhat akin to those experienced in all theatres of war, then you'll want to fly CAP or fighter sweeps in defense of these "missions".

Alternatively, fly escort for a bomber "mission"...

Deriding the time and effort that are put into these missions, as if it is somehow to be looked down upon, is simply absurd.  

Of course, on the other hand, I believe that those who decry dedicated "furballers" are equally annoying (although they have a stronger position... wanting an actual war in the main arena).

I will say that flying against the Devil's Brigade... when both the Devil Dogs and the Brigade are organized and have decent numbers... has produced the most rewarding, exciting, and intense rumbles I have experienced to date.

As far as individuals on the "v" go, I haven't really had any issues with any of them.  I hear them called "vTards", but like I have said in the "Pesonel attacks" thread, I look at that less as an insult and more as the time honored tradition of nicknaming ones grudgingly respected foe.

In fact, when acolonitus called us "dTards" I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I will say one thing, however... Devil Dog missions are not just "horde concentrators" like I saw when I played on another side briefly before joining Rooks... every single one is planned out, sections are formed and formations are flown.  You can cry about them on 200 all you want, or you can attempt to organize a defense that actually succeeds in stopping one.  Your call.

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Offline katanaso

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« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2012, 10:56:25 AM »
Honestly Mir can you expect anything diff in the MA?

Maybe I dont understand what/or why some of you dislike what they do but why put yourself in that position to be ganged by them?

I'll always expect that a 4th or 5th stay out when 3 others are fighting a single con.  Often it happens that way too, but certain squads and individuals don't mind being the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th person to take a swipe. 

As to why some of us end up in those situations -- we enjoy turnfighting a couple at a time.  It's challenging.  What's the challenge for the 4th+ person attacking a single enemy, especially when there are other enemy cons nearby?
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Offline DrBone1

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« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2012, 11:07:14 AM »
I'll always expect that a 4th or 5th stay out when 3 others are fighting a single con.  Often it happens that way too, but certain squads and individuals don't mind being the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th person to take a swipe. 

As to why some of us end up in those situations -- we enjoy turnfighting a couple at a time.  It's challenging.  What's the challenge for the 4th+ person attacking a single enemy, especially when there are other enemy cons nearby?
I understand this because its how I look at it but when I know the odds are not in my favor anymore its time to BnZ those 5 cons trying to gang you.

You have to look at it how those that are of low skill level they dont know how to get a kill, sometimes ppl feel this is the only way of making said kills.

It will never change.

Adapt and Own.  :salute
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Offline Nathan60

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« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2012, 11:19:16 AM »
You would have to fly with us to know. I would venture to say we have changed a lot in the last year. It's not so much about takin bases. We do a large varity of things.

yes thyir sycronized bailing has gotten better, and  have started to use things other than poy's and lancs, still run  and bail at the 1st sign of trouble well the  guys  in charge of this Tard kart of a  squad while they run in thier Run190s the poor low level vtards act as bait while  Dallas  trieds to pick but usually ends up running for his life after 1 pass.
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Offline BowHTR

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« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2012, 11:20:26 AM »

I hope that my pointing out the ToS violation wasn't viewed as heated.  Personally, I would agree that for the most part the vGuys aren't the biggest part of the horde problem.   On the Bishops side, the Alchemists (Chuwie) are the real horde masters.

I have always believed that the base taking squads have an important place in the Aces High ecology.  The base rollers are the first place of refuge for a high percentage of the brand new players.  The base takers are the ones posting missions and welcoming all who wish to participate to join in on their fun.  Many of you guys berating the hordes are the same guys who continually beat down new players, both in the sky and via ch200 or even worse, private message.   It is only natural that a new player, who has been getting his butt handed to him repeatedly, would seek refuge in these missions.  I often wonder how the game would change if the non base rolling squads went out of their way to take as many new guys under their wing as possible.  What if The Muppets or The Few (or whoever) was posting up missions frequently, advertising them, filling them with new guys, and accomplishing a goal.  Imagine the time a mission commander has during climbout, to talk with the guys in the mission.  To answer questions.  To teach another way to take bases, other then overwhelming force.   The opportunity to shape the new players early in their AH career is there.  Until now, the community seems to be perfectly willing to let squads like the Alchemists, or Devils Brigade, (insert whatever base rolling squad you like or dislike).

The missions give the new player a way to feel successful in this very steep learning curve game.  Also, the contact with other players (many of whom are at a similar noob skill level), gives the new guys a way to make contact with other players more on their level.  A way to bond with others who are like them.  This also serves to make these new guys feel like they are part of something and not just additional fodder for the experten lurking over head in their K4s and LAs, or griefing them in 262s.

Ideally, these new players will spend a period of time in the base rolling squad, learning the basic mechanics of the game.  Giving them just enough of a taste of success in the Aces High world that they eventually begin to seek out more.  Eventually, hopefully, they realize that if they are ever going to truly become skilled pilots they are going to have to branch out and seek out training that the base rolling squad cannot or will not provide.

They hopefully discover that constantly flying in a cloud of friendly aircraft does not present the challenge and experience necessary to make significant improvement.  

It is my hope, that squads like Devils Brigade, understand what their place really is in the ecology of the game.   Accept their role, enjoying the playstyle that they have chosen.  But always remembering that they should be helping the newer guys to truly grow in abilities.  Whether that means providing training as the new guys seek it, or by encouraging the new guys to spread their wings and leave the nest that the horde truly is, striking out on their own in search of the training and experience that they crave.

It is also my hope that the folks who so dislike the turn towards hording that the game seems to have taken, will take this as a clarion call to adopt a few new guys.  Get ahold of them before the hordes do.  Teach them to fish so that they may feed themselves one day, rather the allowing them to rely on the socialist horde for their every meal.

Great Post  :aok

We take the heat for all of the spur of the moment chewie missions. I don't agree with how he operates, but i dont bash him for what he does. Will i join no, but will I encourage the other members to join? Yes. We have some members that strive off of the "base taking" mentality. So i encourage those that do to join up in those missions. We also have others that love to dogfight, runs GVs, and some that have a passion for Bombers.

We don't always do missions for the capture of a base. We very often enjoy doing fighter sweeps or GV runs. There's a few times we will even do bomber raids. It doesn't matter what we do, someone will complain about us either: hording, taking an undefended base, or running.

We occasionally do fighter sweeps in D3A1's which is a blast. However we get bashed for "ganging" or "hording" cause it wasn't a 1v1 fight. We have a video of that, all everyone saw was  a bunch of "horders". We also have a video of 2 members stealing a base with one wirb trying to figure out what was going on. There is a video of that also, but it was taken as "taking an undefended base".

As far as training goes, we do offer it. We offer it in many different ways. We have a hand full of members that are really dedicated and good at what they know how to do. However a lot of our members have something to offer as training. We have a few members that are good fighter sticks that would take someone under their wing in a heart beat to show them the basics of flying and ACM. We also have a few that excel in Dive Bombing that would do the same for anyone who need some help placing bombs on target.

But i wont sit here and tell you that all of members are good at everything. Cause they are not. Do i have faith in them to accomplish any and every goal, YES. We have members that strive to to have a good time and be better within the community of the squad and those around them. For some of our members this is their get away from real life. When they have issues with real life, they come to AH for their fix. This is where they get away from reality and get to be that fighter pilot for a couple hours. The problem is that we have people in the AH Community that want to try and bash people for what they have a good time doing. The mains ones that do so, are fully engulfed into AH, and i don't expect them to fully understand why our squad works together for a common goal, no matter what the goal is.

So yes, we get bashed for everything we do. We get blamed for every poor tactic that occurs on the Bishop Country. We get the blame for every runner in a dogfight, every person that misses their target, every person that augers into an object or the ground, and for every player that is unskilled.. But we have fun trying to accomplish a goal that may be taking a base or running supplies to a base that was just porked.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 11:23:06 AM by BowHTR »
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Offline RichardDarkwood

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« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2012, 11:32:48 AM »
I realized the ones I was running into had upped with intent to defend against the horde.  They seemed to want to fight as well.
That is usually what I did to use the horde to my advantage. Go to the sector over where defenders and goon hunters are upping from. Nothing like catching a low-n-slow 262 just after take off looking for goons chuck yeager style !
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Offline waystin2

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« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2012, 02:57:06 PM »
I have no problems with Brigade.  Keep on coming fellas, I enjoy the fighting and the chaos that a large enemy force provides.  Ground, sea and air you know the Pigs will be there if you come to the Knights front. :aok
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Offline Ardy123

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« Reply #85 on: April 04, 2012, 03:13:41 PM »
Back when I played, I enjoyed attacking thier raids. I have several fun memories of single-handedly attacking their horde. There was this one player, I think vaugering, who every time I'd attack their horde, I seemed to first kill him...

EDIT: Some of their member's antics were not appreciated though. Hiding CVs, general idiotic behavior, etc... but I reserve that more on a case-by-case, individual basis.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 03:15:24 PM by Ardy123 »
Yeah, that's right, you just got your rear handed to you by a fuggly puppet!
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« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2012, 03:36:24 PM »
Yeah..... and they don't bomb the tower or indestructible buildings or auger into their own bomb craters either.  :rock

and why dont we have endless threads about them, they do the same thing? Funny, bish missions called a hordes and rook missions called teamwork :bhead.......btw, I have been on many V missions and never heard anyone call out "I HAVE THE TOWER", but that will be my 1st target from now on, thanks :salute
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Offline Rob52240

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« Reply #87 on: April 04, 2012, 03:43:16 PM »
Post enough public jabo missions and you will see ords landing on all manner of things that they shouldn't be.

I'll confess that I have augered while divebombing.  Actually I've probably augered in every way possible including during a climb.  When I was a total noob and learning how to fly bombers, I'd hit that indestructable hanger on purpose most of the time.
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« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2012, 03:44:58 PM »
<S> Devils Brigade.
Wag more, bark less.

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« Reply #89 on: April 04, 2012, 05:50:14 PM »
and why dont we have endless threads about them, they do the same thing? Funny, bish missions called a hordes and rook missions called teamwork :bhead.......btw, I have been on many V missions and never heard anyone call out "I HAVE THE TOWER", but that will be my 1st target from now on, thanks :salute
I just got back from the MA. I already got the tower.  :joystick:
Lighten up Francis