According to "teh internetz"; the 190a9 had a more powerful engine, but basically the same gun packages/etc.
Can we have this one instead of the a8?

Well now this whole thing is just silly and this thread is nothing more than spam to multiple threads already on this subject, it unfortunatley should be shut down although I sympasize to a very slim degree.
Unless you're saying AH would do better or should, for some redunculous idea, without a Fw190A-8, one of the most produced (and sucessful) fighter aircraft varients of the second world war?... do elaborate.

I agree this late-war mmo arena centred game genre could greatly benefit from the adition of a Fw190A-9, but it shouldn't come at any expense or (at least I hope) to the Fw190A-8. If anything, a couple more A-8s should be added to teh game (well, one or two A-8s, maybe another F-8 or remodeled F-8... anywho).
Everyone knows that the current FW-190A8 in AH is actually using the flight model of the Bolton-Paul Defiant and the engine of the Breda ba.88 Lince.
It weighs approximately 45,000 kg more than it should, and it can't even break mach in a dive.