Next times your in the LWA look up and count all the LAs, runstangs, run-90s, spixteens....ect. I told them from the beginning they are never going to get these players into a WW1 arena and nothing they could do will change that. Ive found WW1 to be much fun the few times Ive actually seen players in it and joined in.
Problem is 80% of those Las, Runstangs, 190s and spit16s have no clue what ACM is. Nobody ever bothered to train these pilots, can you blame a guy that has only played 2-3 months even 6 months? Some I noticed have been here years (like myself) that never bothered learning ACM.
We have a training arena, however I notice most don't even bother going in there, the tools are available, some will argue they simply don't have enough time. If you have 1 hour a day to play, are you going to bother spending it learning ACM or going to attack a static target? which seems more fun?
I spend my time in the TA on and off, it amazes me how many simply don't ask the questions, heck one of the most asked questions is "What is Situational Awareness?"
Some squads do have in house trainers, although the majority I don't see it.