With respect to those posting, there is an awful lot of unfettered and unsubstantiated speculation going on in this thread.
The most recent research (not that that is particularly recent) suggests as little as 100 Otsu were produced and there is no suggestion of incomplete airframes. In fact Nakajima incremented their manufacture / serial numbers (which was a unique identifier of an
aeroplane) with a gap to allow for the
contiguous production of the Late Production Ko (and this does not mean
late in the war!). The Otsu's observable differences being the revised instrument panel, the cowl mounted Ho-5 and the differing gun ports on the top cowl, everything else was essentially identical, including the Ha-45-21 Homare engine, UNTIL you start hitting the emergency materials versions (which have different Kitai designations by the way). We know the manufacture number of the last Ko and this also was also a complete aircraft.
Good luck trying to quantify the numbers produced and furthermore identifying which Sentai had what. The manufacture numbers were sometimes encrypted as a deployment measure, the external differences are barely distinguishable and I often have difficulty even when the Ko and Otsu are parked next to each other in parallel. I have even seen pictures of mixed Sentai so this really isn't a productive line of enquiry, in my opinion.
Please do not speculate in the absence of data as it only serves to confuse the issue further. If you don't want the aircraft introduced to Aces High then please state that instead of further muddying the waters of an already difficult to navigate subject.