Wow von nothing about my post was a whine. Any reason at all you have to be such a negative Nancy all the time?
You say negative, I say pragmatic. Potato/Po-tot-o.
HTC has given you all the tools you need.
You can completely detune 200
You can mute any player to avoid seeing their diarrhea of the mouth (In fact, I squelch the latest incarnation of Midway on sight as a matter of principal)
There are mods in the game that already act as morality police.
One can use the .report function
That is 4 ways (off the top of my head) for you to address the issue you have, yet that is not enough for you and you make a wish that coding time be spent on more ways to regulate player behavior because it is not convenient to your standards.
Pessimism or pragmatism?