Author Topic: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night  (Read 3480 times)

Offline IrishOne

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2012, 11:58:46 PM »
I'm feeling the urge to dust off my gear.


Offline Debrody

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2012, 02:27:48 AM »
So... there were 4 full sector of red darbar and the DDs had 2 full pony wings at 20k in the middle, even more, you are as proud that you even make a BBS "neener" thread about it???
wow, you guys rock

eh, "kitten picture", doh
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 02:54:22 AM by Debrody »
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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2012, 05:34:25 AM »
nothing like a wild hungarian on the loose....debrody lighten up will some goulash


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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2012, 06:02:11 AM »
cool pic looks kinda like colorado springs. 

Offline Slate

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2012, 08:12:57 AM »
  Nice screenshot.  :rofl
  I always wanted to fight an impossible battle agaist incredible odds. For those that don't shy away from full dars. :salute


I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2012, 10:16:16 AM »
  Nice screenshot.  :rofl
  I always wanted to fight an impossible battle agaist incredible odds. For those that don't shy away from full dars. :salute

   (Image removed from quote.)

We try to keep it fun :)  Nice Last Starfighter reference!


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Offline tunnelrat

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2012, 10:46:26 AM »
There was a time, in the not so distant past, when opposing forces could kick back after a night of flying and engage in the camaraderie of the BBS.

Good natured ribbing, inside jokes, tongue-in-cheek jabs, and most importantly honoring and respecting both your team mates and your opponents.  Landing a good run of kills, even for someone like me who rarely does so, takes a distant second to a  :salute from a worthy foe, or a sincere word of praise from friend or foe alike.

This past weekend, while recovering from the nightly escapades in NOLA, I was reading some ancient (and not so ancient) forum posts from names gone by.  Just a night and day difference.

These were the kind of guys that studied their opponent: his ride, his tactics, his wingmen.  Armed with that knowledge, he adjusted one or more of his ride, his tactics, his wingmen (and/or their tactics) and challenged himself to overcome or at the very least get better.

I am not at all trying to paint a Utopian, revisionist view of the past... there have always been barnacles, lesions, weeping pusspockets, and sad, sad little donuts of men who command a plywood table in their parents basement. 

At some point, however, the old guard lost center stage... and the yappy dogs, those Internet tough guys who think they are building some sort of street cred by wading in to defend their friends by slinging old and tired insults moved up to the forefront. 

Little cliques of keyboard warriors who band together like street urchins to steal apples from the market.

Those of you rushing to defend Redbull:  He doesn't need it.  He's a big boy, and can clearly take good natured ribbing (and give it back!) in fun.  Those of you trying to defend him by insulting are soiling his name by association.

Those of you just here to insinuate, ridicule, and impugn: You will be much better served by emulating those who went before you.  Those who used the term "runstang" as a taunt to get an opponent to make a mistake... not as the gold standard for why you lose to a Mustang.

As for numbers, unless you are a silly ME-262 on the deck, I promise you that 99% of the time you will only have to contend with one of us and his wingman at a time.  We WILL aid each other, so I suggest bringing a few friends you can trust (HOing nonstop is also somewhat effective).

I can also promise you that the fight will be deck to 10k, generally between 3-6.  If you see us egress, it's due to damage, fuel, or ammo.  No, we aren't going to turn fight your Hurricane, Spixteen, or F-4.  When you come here and cry because we wouldn't, no number of pals will make your bleats any less pitiful.

I am an easy kill... my ACM capabilities rank as "Usually doesn't shoot self down", my gunnery skills rank as "Knows where trigger is" and my SA rating is "Eyeless Potato".  When you shoot me down, the greatest gift you can send me is a PM telling me not that I suck, rather why - in that instance - what I did sucked.

Also, our "horde" consists of 2-8 fighters, and by far and away the vast majority of the time it's more like 2-4, and usually half of those pilots will be double or single digit ranked, and the other half will be quadruple digit ranked.  This means bring a friend or two, and not just a greeny in icon range.  Now and then we escort bombers, and sometimes those raids do a little large, but who doesn't like seeing a million buffs?

Anyway,  :salute to the thread (Especially RB), and here's  :cheers: to a new era of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and the stuff by which legends are birthed: good fights.
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Offline Debrody

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2012, 10:52:24 AM »
As for numbers, unless you are a silly ME-262 on the deck, I promise you that 99% of the time you will only have to contend with one of us and his wingman at a time.  We WILL aid each other, so I suggest bringing a few friends you can trust (HOing nonstop is also somewhat effective).

Anyway,  :salute to the thread (Especially RB), and here's  :cheers: to a new era of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and the stuff by which legends are birthed: good fights.
How many times my g6 got ganged by 5-8-10+ ponies coming down from 20k, i cant even count. Not one tryed to turn with me, all just made a pass then ran til his arse got saved by his 9 buddies then reversed.
You talking about sportsmanship... well thats something like Chiccorina talking about virginity.

Thats my opinion. Come flame me with your awesomeness.
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Offline tunnelrat

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2012, 11:32:31 AM »
How many times my g6 got ganged by 5-8-10+ ponies coming down from 20k, i cant even count. Not one tryed to turn with me, all just made a pass then ran til his arse got saved by his 9 buddies then reversed.

Not Devil Dogs... you know that the Pony is pretty popular, right?  Not every one you see is DD FS.  You want to hear anger on squad vox?  Tazz69 turns into a wild Canadian Devil when people gang his kill or pull in front of him when he's taking the shot.  And when Pand dives on ANYONE, aside from his wingman we ALL go somewhere else because it's a foregone conclusion.

You talking about sportsmanship... well thats something like Chiccorina talking about virginity.

What's the point of this?  Simply to become the poster child for the archetype I JUST referred to?  Because it's an admirable attempt, sir.

Thats my opinion. Come flame me with your awesomeness.

That's not an opinion, that's you implying that my squad gangs with "5-8-10+" 51's, which simply does not happen. You are also implying that we don't (or at least in your scenario(s)) turn, which is absurd.  I am sure there are plenty of "pick and run" Rooks (and every other chess piece), we just don't do that as a squad... I don't know how else to put it.  We fly our aircraft (well, some of us attempt to anyway) to its strengths, but not with timidity. 

You show me a film of "5-8-10" Devil Dog FS pilots ganging you, or any other single con (that isn't a 262 or a C-47), and I will eat my hat (let's say mouse mat... it's made of aluminium, and I don't wear a hat).

When I say I fly with some of the best guys you could ask for, I am not saying they are awesome because they are my friends... these guys are some TRULY great people on and off the court.  While I cannot expect you to know that, although you are welcome to fly with us any time, I can hope that you will not outright lie about their tactics.

Like I said before... and this is basically text book... for a fighter sweep we fly out in finger four (assuming we even have 4, we usually don't)... we get to the target area, or the intercept point and break into loose deuce... you MIGHT see a three together if he's the odd man out, at least until another wing comes for him to link up with, but we operate in two man teams.  We'll clear a wounded/winchester squadmate out of the area, and any one pilot/loose deuce may clear any other squad mate (or greeny) should the situation arise.  That's it.  Our planes climb and acceleration is mediocre, and sustained turns are a death sentence... we try to fly accordingly.

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Offline Debrody

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2012, 11:47:53 AM »
Not Devil Dogs... you know that the Pony is pretty popular, right?  Not every one you see is DD FS.  You want to hear anger on squad vox?  Tazz69 turns into a wild Canadian Devil when people gang his kill or pull in front of him when he's taking the shot.  And when Pand dives on ANYONE, aside from his wingman we ALL go somewhere else because it's a foregone conclusion.
That just dont make any sense. I often turn on the film when i get ganged, just to identify the gangsters. Unfortunately, i used to delete the films due to space shortage on the 64gigs SSD.
Btw when i see 10-15 ponies at 20k, in 70+% of the cases it turns out its one certain squadron.

What's the point of this?  Simply to become the poster child for the archetype I JUST referred to?  Because it's an admirable attempt, sir.
I cant stand when someone is posing as the great sportsman hero when he isnt. Thats all. You guys ganged RedBull, its okay, happens every day, at least the others dont brag about how awesome and fun it was.

That's not an opinion, that's you implying that my squad gangs with "5-8-10+" 51's, which simply does not happen. You are also implying that we don't (or at least in your scenario(s)) turn, which is absurd.  I am sure there are plenty of "pick and run" Rooks (and every other chess piece), we just don't do that as a squad... I don't know how else to put it.  We fly our aircraft (well, some of us attempt to anyway) to its strengths, but not with timidity.  
If not an opinion, then what? I seen this from a certain squad over and over, then you are telling me it have never happened. <sigh>
Btw flying an aircraft to its strenght... im turning a Gustav with spits. <deep sigh>

You show me a film of "5-8-10" Devil Dog FS pilots ganging you, or any other single con (that isn't a 262 or a C-47), and I will eat my hat (let's say mouse mat... it's made of aluminium, and I don't wear a hat).
What if i show you a vid about that in a month? (might start to save my films...) Will you post yourself eating your hat?  ;)

Whatever. A few wingman using wingman tactics to break a horde is one of the nicest things in an air combat game. But many many high ponies pick-n-extending on much fewer, lower opponents, aka "using its planes strenghts" or "wingman tactics"... even bragging about it... well, thats something entirely different. nuff said

I have explained my opinion, nothing else i have to say.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 11:51:53 AM by Debrody »
City of ice

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2012, 01:52:15 PM »
I cant stand when someone is posing as the great sportsman hero when he isnt. Thats all. You guys ganged RedBull, its okay, happens every day, at least the others dont brag about how awesome and fun it was.
You have obviously missed the purpose of this thread--- The image created was to honor Redbull and the continued back and forth banter we have with him on 200.   Many times throughout the evening, Redbull was outnumbered; however, the scenario depicted in the image was not one of those times, but the outcome was the result of the previous engagements.   

This thread is all in fun, and outside of apparently 2 people, everyone else knew it.  If you don't understand the situation, and if you're gonna act like a Debbie Downer all the time... do everyone a favor and mind your own business.  Things were a lot better on the BBS before Nov 2010.


"HORDE not HOARD. Unless someone has a dragon sitting on top of a bunch of La7s somewhere." -80hd

Offline Nathan60

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2012, 01:57:53 PM »
Because getting tired of chasing people around is why I got bored with the game?

So you come and smell up the forums?
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Offline earl1937

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #42 on: August 31, 2012, 02:16:20 PM »
Player names omitted to protect the innocent

(Image removed from quote.)

:airplane: This can't be Aces High in the background, because the base in the back ground looks like a real airfield, numbered runways, center line markings, homes in the back ground...maybe Hi Tech would take the hint and make our arena airfields look like airfields, with aircraft sitting around and in hangars, plus some ground about the "Tiki" bar and grill and knows what we could see in there....nice touch on the ponie with Cheerios for drop tanks....guess that is field rations for emergency use!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 02:20:56 PM by earl1937 »
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2012, 04:21:00 PM »
So you come and smell up the forums?
No he left before the smell stuck to him lemming.  ;)
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Re: Great Screenshot from Rook/Knit action last night
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2012, 04:40:04 PM »
Seriously, this is such an Internet fail, you forgot the fracking rainbows~!