Author Topic: British Soldiers Killed  (Read 1662 times)

Offline sunfan1121

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2012, 06:09:14 AM »
I wasn't trying to turn this thread into political BS, I was just honestly intrigued by your choice of words as I said in my first post. I read the post shortly after waking up, thought about it for a while and then posted my thoughts while I was on the bus. I don't think they were especially inflammatory or in any way disrespectful to soldiers living or dead

Also, you did ask a question in the OP which I felt merited an answer if only because of it's pure  :huh element.

As for the subsequent de-railment, I am falling back on the 'he started it!  :neener:' defence. I have poor self control when bored at work, and can't help myself responding in kind when people have a go, and it's especially hard to resist when they are so obviously morons.

If you just wanted a few pages of  :salute 's then I guess I'm sorry for messing it up *shrug* But if we have a salute thread every time a serving soldier is killed then the forum is gonna be snowed under with them pretty quickly.

I wasn't going to bother replying to this, as it is so completely irrelevant I didn't think it was worth it, but as I'm going to be replying to a bunch of stuff I may as well.

Firstly you knew I was referring to attack in the context of invasion, so your point (if you had one) is kind of meaningless *shrug*

Secondly, in saying that the US and UK were attacked, so that makes it OK, it's kind of like you're suggesting that the whole of Afghanistan decided to say 'f**k the US and the UK' and collaborate to get terror attacks underway, rather than it being just those nasty extremist chaps. If some scumbags from the UK went and blew up a synagogue in Jerusalem or something, would you be OK with Israel wanting to go to war with our whole country just because of those whackjobs?  :headscratch:  

this is a good point - I am actually pretty uninformed regarding global affairs and politics in general, and on other forums (well, the one other forum that I frequent) I don't bother joining any political discussions because there are far more intelligent and knowledgeable people on there who would shut me down instantly. the thing is, this forum is...well, without being too overtly abusive, let's just say it's not up to that calibre. so I can speak my mind here in the knowledge that most of the people who will reply to me will do so with responses at about the general intelligence level of Nathan60, gyrene or Dago. I can engage with people at that level with some kind of advantage, as I'm at least slightly less retarded than they are.

As stated above, I didn't aim for this thread to turn into another bloody trainwreck :old: I have to admit I did sort of expect it (I refer you again to the general intelligence level of AH forum posters)...but in all honesty danny's post and the phrase 'murdering pieces of crap' just got me thinking about when is it murder in war and when is it just fair play, tea and medals all round etc.

Regarding my avatar, I know you're more intelligent than to honestly believe that all British people are going to be tarred with the same brush just because I ruffle some bald eagle feathers on here. Surely no one on the internet needs to have a disclaimer in everything they write saying 'My opinions are my own and not that of my home country'  :huh It's a ridiculous thing for you to request...however, I am not overly attached to my avatar (as I said I don't even have them turned on), so if you will make me another one I'll use that instead. Perhaps a picture of a stinky troll would be appropriate?  :rolleyes:  

This post is filled with ego. Why is important for you to compare yourself to others? You are no better or worst than any person on this planet. People like you would benefit the most if mushrooms and other psychedelics were made legal.
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Offline coombz

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2012, 06:09:52 AM »
I don't know what makes you think I am against military folk...just because i speak my mind about recent conflicts doesn't mean i think all armed forces are bad or that i am against soldiers.

the thing that always affects me in historical accounts or memoirs of wars is how bloody young most of the guys fighting are.

with that random and irrelevant thought, i am off to sleep  :old:

edit: sunfan i would be the first to admit that i am worse than most people :D if i had to list my faults and failings as a person i could fill a page easily, but to number my good points i could only think of 5 or 6, none of them particularly noteworthy

but i guess one of those good points is that i am not totally braindead (although i have my moments)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 06:15:29 AM by coombz »
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Offline nrshida

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2012, 09:30:21 AM »

Your posts have a cumulative effect. Either you are genuinely unaware how your activities are perceived in some sort of social interaction deficiency stylee or you're so fixated on trying to say something controversial that it overrides any notion of taste and tact. You alienate the entire community then seem to enjoy mocking the ones that challenge you.

I'm also sometimes annoyed by overly nationalistic and the 'America f*** yea' attitude but one learns to selectively ignore. You can't correct the world or make everyone value the things you value, this is anti-diversity anyway.

You say you aren't so well informed about global affairs then I suggest you reserve comment. The human race as a homogeneity entity is still very very primitive, social and cultural development lags far behind technological development, all of the present world events are typical for a culture at this stage of its development. It is not time yet to move to the stage which your comments are on the point of suggesting. There's more work to do.

I have poor self control when bored at work, and can't help myself responding in kind when people have a go, and it's especially hard to resist when they are so obviously morons.

There is always someone more intelligent than you and that isn't your fault either. I think you have a weird hobby Mr. Coombz. I should of thought someone with your faculties, with time available and access to the internet and literature could find something more interesting and constructive to do with their energies.

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Offline coombz

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2012, 03:41:03 PM »

Your posts have a cumulative effect. Either you are genuinely unaware how your activities are perceived in some sort of social interaction deficiency stylee or you're so fixated on trying to say something controversial that it overrides any notion of taste and tact. You alienate the entire community then seem to enjoy mocking the ones that challenge you.

I'm not unaware, I just don't care. To my eyes it's some of the comments made by others that are extremely tactless and tasteless. Not to mention plain wrong.

If I choose to fight fire with fire, rather than attempting a reasoned discussion and debate with people who are plainly incapable of such, then that's my prerogative isn't it? You may not like it, but I don't post here to make you happy. I have noticed that you are fortunate enough to be the kind of person who can read overly-patriotic and blindly nationalistic drivel, along with thinly veiled insults, and still keep a reasonably level head and respond to those people with some decorum and respect. More power to you. But that's now how I roll ;)

I would submit that the sort of people that I butt heads with on here are already alienated from me completely by virtue of our extremely opposite world views and opinions. Yes, I enjoy mocking them when they challenge me. It's a character flaw :) If any of them were sufficiently clued up to put me in my place and shut me up with a well informed, intelligent post, then I'd probably run off with my tail between my legs  :uhoh But as long as they choose instead to attack my comments with more of the 'America f*** yea' attitude, as you put it, with a side helping of 'and f*** everyone else', then I will continue to enjoy mocking them.

I'm also sometimes annoyed by overly nationalistic and the 'America f*** yea' attitude but one learns to selectively ignore. You can't correct the world or make everyone value the things you value, this is anti-diversity anyway.

You say you aren't so well informed about global affairs then I suggest you reserve comment. The human race as a homogeneity entity is still very very primitive, social and cultural development lags far behind technological development, all of the present world events are typical for a culture at this stage of its development. It is not time yet to move to the stage which your comments are on the point of suggesting. There's more work to do.

This is a good point and one that I think I touched on in another thread. I agree, and if I am understanding you right (I may not be), I didn't intend for my comments to suggest that the human race should be imminently moving on into some kind of liberal paradise where there is nothing unjust in the world and everyone is groovy to one another. In fact one of the fundamental differences between me and you shida, I think, is that you think such a future is possible, whereas I am kind of convinced we're a race of self-destructive, selfish, evil b**tards. It'd be nice to be proved wrong though.  

There is always someone more intelligent than you and that isn't your fault either. I think you have a weird hobby Mr. Coombz. I should of thought someone with your faculties, with time available and access to the internet and literature could find something more interesting and constructive to do with their energies.

It's not really a hobby, more of a habit inculcated over many years spent posting on another forum of a much more cut-throat nature. It's a kind of self-policing place, almost Darwinian you could say :) Reading these boards is often a shocking reminder of just how many ignorant, close-minded people exist in the world, and it seems that I find it hard to get out of the habit of making fun of those people.

I'll be perma banned from here sooner or later anyway I guess, for stepping over the line one too many times. I'm already on strike 3 (one of which was for posting a supposed cheating accusation against my own CO *facepalm*) . I doubt many will weep for my departure :D  

I could indeed think of a lot more stimulating and constructive activities to spend my time on, but sadly most of them aren't available while I'm at work and this place is (for up to an hour a day at least).  
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 03:42:51 PM by coombz »
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Offline LCADolby

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2012, 04:25:32 PM »

I'll be perma banned from here sooner or later anyway I guess, for stepping over the line one too many times. I'm already on strike 3 (one of which was for posting a supposed cheating accusation against my own CO *facepalm*) . I doubt many will weep for my departure :D  

Is Bruv really still Striking people?! :lol: i thought that was just used to control the 'loud colonials'  :D
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Offline coombz

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #50 on: September 17, 2012, 04:26:51 PM »
no, I meant strikes from Skuzzy. I guess I forgot to tell you, when I posted that 'Bruv hacks' mashup on Youtube and linked it on here HTC was apparently inundated with angry phone calls asking why Bruv was still allowed to play the game. Yet another sad indictment of the general intelligence level of this community I'm afraid.

you are right, the squad strike system was mostly there for the little kids :)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 04:29:17 PM by coombz »
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Offline nrshida

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #51 on: September 17, 2012, 05:41:10 PM »
If I choose to fight fire with fire, rather than attempting a reasoned discussion and debate with people who are plainly incapable of such, then that's my prerogative isn't it?

Yes it is. Probably your approach is more realistic than mine, I'm a bit of a dreamer, but I'm not the only one  :)

Reading these boards is often a shocking reminder of just how many ignorant, close-minded people exist in the world, and it seems that I find it hard to get out of the habit of making fun of those people.

Give them time. 150 years ago most marriages happened in the same village. Look at your and my family's domestic situation for a contrast. Progress is ongoing.

In fact one of the fundamental differences between me and you shida, I think, is that you think such a future is possible, whereas I am kind of convinced we're a race of self-destructive, selfish, evil b**tards. It'd be nice to be proved wrong though.  

Perhaps you are right but it is better to try and fail than to never try at all. Optimism has another advantage over pessimism, it makes the wait more pleasant. Shame I can't encourage you to look beyond mankind's primitive and bloody past (/present). A wise friend of mine tells me that the Internet is fantastic medium for transcending cultural and geographic boundries and helping mankind recognise their similarities more than their differences. I've seen this even here on this forum myself, at a small scale and in a broader scope beyond this forum as well. Maybe one day you might transcend your pessimism and decide to apply your energies to making a constructive contribution in this direction. You could do a lot of good with one hour every day, if you ever felt so inclined.


I dare say Zack will be along in a minute, to tell everybody I like soft fruit  :old:
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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #52 on: September 17, 2012, 06:21:29 PM »
Politicians promote war.

Soldiers ensure peace.

The duty of a uniformed man or woman is the defence, protection and service to all people of their respective nation. Aside from Generals and other higher up pen pushers, service men and women do nothing save their duty and carry it out with sterling excellence.

We owe every last one of them, from the armaments officer on a flight-line to the poor grunt crawling through mud. A thank you, because they are brave enough to do a job that our soft tulips aren't doing.
DaPacman - 71 Squadron RAF

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Offline LCADolby

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #53 on: September 17, 2012, 06:31:28 PM »
HTC was apparently inundated with angry phone calls asking why Bruv was still allowed to play the game. Yet another sad indictment of the general intelligence level of this community I'm afraid.

:lol Clearly some people are being allowed to mate with vegetables. I wonder if Skuzzy was repeatedly telling them to turn the phone the other way up?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 06:34:27 PM by LCADolby »
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Offline Nathan60

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2012, 07:19:27 PM »
You guys  are classy to threadjack a post ment to honor the fallen  :aok Glad you guys are here to show the rest of us the proper way of behaving.
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Offline coombz

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2012, 07:23:47 PM »
A wise friend of mine tells me that the Internet is fantastic medium for transcending cultural and geographic boundries and helping mankind recognise their similarities more than their differences.

He is a very wise chap :old:

zack on the other hand is like the proverbial old dog that can't learn any new tricks :neener:
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Offline NatCigg

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #56 on: September 17, 2012, 08:24:21 PM »
This post is filled with ego. Why is important for you to compare yourself to others? You are no better or worst than any person on this planet. People like you would benefit the most if mushrooms and other psychedelics were made legal.

lol bad trips man, bad trips.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #57 on: September 17, 2012, 08:31:10 PM »
, whereas I am kind of convinced we're a race of self-destructive, selfish, evil b**tards. It'd be nice to be proved wrong though.  

not true.  but this brings up a good point why socialism and communism and sole leaderism will never work.  The greed of man will find its way to the top.

Offline coombz

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #58 on: September 17, 2012, 08:53:55 PM »
yeah, because greedy and corrupt scumbags can never get into positions of power with other forms of government :aok

you guys are gearing up to elect a prime example as president in November aren't ya? ;)  

sorry, couldn't resist
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Offline NatCigg

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Re: British Soldiers Killed
« Reply #59 on: September 17, 2012, 09:21:10 PM »
yeah, because greedy and corrupt scumbags can never get into positions of power with other forms of government :aok

you guys are gearing up to elect a prime example as president in November aren't ya? ;)  

sorry, couldn't resist

that will be up to the electoral college.

When you find some other way to maintain order, productivity, and protect the rich; then we can talk. as for now we will elect our officials on a short and regular basis tyvm.