The only problem is, we are talking about their affairs. Who gives a crap about what the sandchokers do?? ..... If you wanna help them tell them this: "KILL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR NEIGHBORS, AND THEN KILL YOUR SELF, mohamed WILL TAKE YOU ALL TO HEAVEN"(hell but dont tell'm)... If all muslims die the world will be a better place.
When my little brother went to Iraq on his first tour in 05, I told him: if any kid or lady walk near you with a gun, kill them, no mercy. If they capture you they will turture you and then cut your head off. : F... ALL muslims. We need to delete all muslim countrys and cleanse our countrys. Death to all muslims. How can muslims not be angry??? They live in mud huts, sleep on the sand, have no Tele, no playboy or hustler, No dating. No computers, and not allowed to masturbate. and here comes this corn fed 6'1 American with a super hot girl he nails every night, and also walks around with a pocket PC/tele/phone.etc.. Lol . How you not be angry at America, you got sand in your butt crack, got no girlfriend and you never heared about A/C.