I want to kill you, then fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled so I can kill someone else and fly away in a plane that is not crippled ... ad infinitum ...
Ho'ing precludes any real possibility of doing this, so I do not ho, I do not allow you to ho. If you have ho'd me it is because I have made a mistake. I do make mistakes, I do get ho'd, then I learn from that and get better at not giving you a ho shot the next time. If I make a mistake and give you a HO shot, then I also have a HO shot and I will sometimes fire, not everytime, sometimes. Most of the time I will kill you because you Ho'd and my aim is better, then I will PM you with normally a "How did that HO work out for you ?" or my favorite, "Live by the HO, Die by the HO:)".
Ho'ing is cheap and weak. It makes you cheap and weak. It's obvious that those who HO all the time and defend their actions don't care about how I feel about the HO. I don't care how you feel about my opinion on those who HO. See, we're even. You don't care and I don't care, but I think I'm better than you because of it.
Any questions ?