It may be just a seasonal thing, but I came across a lot of bad advice in the game in the past weeks. Including this 190 fuel tank thing. Unfortunately players spreading such hearsay advice are often immune against reasoning, even explaining the causes and details won't change their mind.
Even explaining the differences between the various big caliber guns couldn't convince a certain player that the P-39D is the best tank buster in game. after all, only gun 'size' matters and he was sure HTC had modeled the guns this way instead of listening to such BS as shell type or muzzle velocity...

Clearly, someone with enough experience to dismiss all those .30 and .50cals ricocheting off a tank's hull ingame for being just eye-candy.

Can't really go off on these new guys for being criticly wrong on some things... just flawed. Like the Hurricane IIB and its armament of 12 x .30cals, sure it'll work and shoot down a plane.
Same with the logic on the forward fuel tank in the 190. It's the forward tank, so it must be forward, right?
IF it was actualy located forward of the aircraft's CG, then draining it would indeed move the CG further aft. Logical. However, upon researching the facts, one will find all the 190's tanks, inluding the smaller forward tank, are actualy located aft of the aircraft's CG, thus if you drain it first (or last) you're actualy moving the aircraft's CG further forward, increasing this "nose heavy behavior" in direct contradiction to all those voicing an opinion to you via in-game chat that doing so not only won't, but somehow will improove this behavior (

You can take or leave my personal advice. It works for me.
There is some logic to it, this isn't a discussion about why one should do it one way over another ("right and wrong"), just that one speific reason for draining the forward tank first is unfounded.
I am not dismissing anyone's efforts. Remember, the 190 only has two (2) tanks (sometimes a very (very) small third). Some planes have it even worse, imho, having only one tank. Draining one tank to absolute zero (0.000) assures you that your two-tank equiped 190 is now only equiped with a single (1) useful fuel tank now. If I'm going to be in a puffy-ack heavy region (CVs or strat), with or without a DT but a long enough distance from a safe field, and I don't want to get another and frequent fuel hit to tank A or B - I am often rewarded (although as equaly as I won't be for the effort imho) for the effort of not putting all my eggs/fuel in one basket/tank.