No, it's just Japanese Power.
I don't know what you are all so worried about, they are all near-sighted... I read it in the paper!
(Image removed from quote.)
How we ever won the war with this kind of brain trust manning the presses I will never know.
Once you learn the fine are of removing your emotions from your assessments of historical events you will come to understand that things happened for a reason under different circumstances that may or may not be comparable with you/we know to be a norm. Do your best to put yourself in the shoes of a someone back *then*, and also keep in mind that we know today as "ok" may not be in the future. For instance, if I were to say that in 100 years it will be illegal to own a dog would you think I am crazy? Probably so. If someone were to have said in 1765 that "It will be illegal in 100 years to own a slave", the reaction would have been much the same.

Historical context is a great thing.