Guaging by most posts about Trinity in the past 6-months prior to two-weeks ago - pitchforks, torches, and a lot of justifyable persistent discontent (including my fair share).
I may disagree, in fact many responces justify my belief than Trinity has no place in the MA for MA-style gameplay, but I respect and admire that the more recent responces have put some thought into it.
OK, but seriously, Trinity disqualified itself. It lacked three fair and evenly distributed base assets at start, its terrain was specificly designed to limit and be counterpoductive to spontaneous and free-style (sandbox) player participation, towns stacked ontop of fields/bases, a lack of many and dynamic V-spawns (ie: one-way, you couldn't go offensive with vehicles after toughing it out defencively), TT assets are in the center but most of the time they are uniquely ignored and underutillised.... it was an insult to players and maybe most of all to everyone who's ever submitted a better qualifying MA map, or at least that's what it comes off as when you have such a high degree for quality you hold every other map to.
Look at all the MA maps submitted that haven't qualified yet, what specifications their design has to be tailored to meet, yet somehow Trinity was tollerated (and for all this time).