Author Topic: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......  (Read 6553 times)

Offline tuton25

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Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« on: December 22, 2012, 01:29:21 PM »
I know alot of older players are going to give me a lot of flak on this one so here we go.......
My Idea is for a free to play first person shooter to make the game more stratigic than get the biggest horde you can find, level town, take field. One of the biggest things we are missing is the working together of tanks, infantry, and aircraft. I personly think that the balance of power should be:
30% Infantry
30% Aircraft
40% Tanks
The consept of concept of capturing a town is the same, get 10 troops in the maproom, but there would not be the downed building requirements anymore. There could also be auto-acks up during the capture but some should be changed to machine gun nests to give the infantry a harder time. In fantry would spawn into the maproom, brought in on M3, SdKfz 251, LVT, or Jeep, or dropped by a C-47. These vehicals would be allowed to be used by the free to play user so they would not be begging a member to do it for them. All other planes and tanks would be off limits.
The first weapons that I think should be added are:
M1a1 Thompson*
M1 Garand*
1903 Springfield
Browning Automatic Rifle*
Lee Enfield
Type 99
*these weapons would have a perked value
All of these weapons have rounds that are already modeled into the game and it would be relativly easy to modle a weapon similar to the .45 we already have. These weapons were some of the most mass-produced weapons of world war two and should get first priority. All players would choose their weapon and also have a .45 as a sidearm. We would also need a change to were we could crouch, go prone, and sprint. This would be very basic at first but could be expanded upon if it became popluar.
Many of the famous battles of world war two were fought on the ground with the backbone of the attack comming from tanks and infantry supported by aircraft. Many people say "this is a flight simulator, go play Call of Duty if you want a first person shooter". That is not what I am going for here. Those games lack the teamwork and community that this game has. They then almost always follow up with "if it was free to play, than the game would become rampent with 13 year old kids begging for more free stuff, and we would loose the community". My Idea is if you are free to play than you cannot be on this community or on the members only channels in the game. If you want these benifits you have to pay.
So flak jacket is on.......FIRE AWAY!!!
><))))*> Da Fish is in Da Fight

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 01:35:32 PM »
creating new FPS
integrating new FPS with existing game
maintaining new FPS to deal with the hackers who love FPS
supporting FPS users

none - its free duh!

I dont see a business case for this and for that reason ... I'm out!
71 (Eagle) Squadron

What most of us want to do is simply shoot stuff and look good doing it - Chilli

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 02:08:22 PM »
Once more, you don't realize how massive of an undertaking this would be. Think how long it takes to model ONE new aircraft that we don't nessicarily even see the inside of.

Now, multiply that out by 5 different infantry models, 8 new small arms, and the inteior of town buildings.

They would also  have to rework the physics models for GV's, to enable collisions with enemy infantry. Because if I drive over you, you damn well better die. An infantry AT weapon would also need to be made, else nobody would play the FPS game, because one guy in an M8 could shut down a fight almost completely otherwise (the M3's 75mm should not be available for FPS players).

You would have to completely rework the dynamics of the game. Aircraft would no longer be the primary focus (30% aircraft, 30% infantry, 40% tanks, instead of the current ~80% aircraft, 20% tanks). The aircraft would become the secondary focus of the game, because they would just support the GV's and infantry in your system. The GV's would be the primary attraction, because initially they could dominate the infantry quite easily. CV's would become only support units for support units.

The value of heavy bombers would be severely lessened, as all you have to do is deack the town, and it can be taken. There would no longer be a requirment for anything larger than .30calber weapons to take a possition that could be said to be defended by a full armor division, with a Tiger II battalion and 2 full air wings for support. Perk values for everything would have to be reevaluated, perhaps removed for some aircraft and vehicles as well.

Essentially, you want HTC to remake the game, and do it for free.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline tuton25

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2012, 02:31:26 PM »
creating new FPS
integrating new FPS with existing game
maintaining new FPS to deal with the hackers who love FPS
supporting FPS users

none - its free duh!

I dont see a business case for this and for that reason ... I'm out!
we already have a base for a first person shooter: the downed pilot
many other games use the same stratagy with a free to play portion and a membership portion:
World of Tanks
all of these games have a very large free to use portion and an even larger membership portion
Its a proven buissness model, give them a taste and they'll want the whole cake
><))))*> Da Fish is in Da Fight

Offline skorpx1

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2012, 02:37:52 PM »
we already have a base for a first person shooter: the downed pilot
many other games use the same stratagy with a free to play portion and a membership portion:
World of Tanks
all of these games have a very large free to use portion and an even larger membership portion
Its a proven buissness model, give them a taste and they'll want the whole cake
Google is a F2P game...?

As to the idea, no.

As to the concept of a F2P game in this game, possible but unlikely to happen.

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2012, 02:57:34 PM »
we already have a base for a first person shooter: the downed pilot
many other games use the same stratagy with a free to play portion and a membership portion:
World of Tanks
all of these games have a very large free to use portion and an even larger membership portion
Its a proven buissness model, give them a taste and they'll want the whole cake

Don't play the others, but I just wanna say that WoT is complete and total crap. Its definitely not where we want to see AH go.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline tuton25

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2012, 03:23:31 PM »
WoT is just an example
My point is wouldn't it be awsome to see a swarm of LVTs hitting a shore or a huge airborn operation to take a town???
Yes, heavy bomber usage would shrink somewhat but I could forsee an increase in medium and light bomber usage for pinpoint targets.
as for the modeling inside buildings it wouldn't have to be much, just an open space to take cover behind and maybe a second floor for snipers
If the building is destroyed you cannot enter it, making bombing still somewhat important.
we could also make the bridges within the town collapse when hit, making it harder to move GVs
><))))*> Da Fish is in Da Fight

Offline skorpx1

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 03:49:39 PM »
Don't play the others, but I just wanna say that WoT is complete and total crap. Its definitely not where we want to see AH go.
Runescape sucks too. The company who runs it (Jagex - Many others call it something that starts with an F.) got money-reliant and are trying at every turn to get you to buy something. It's one of the few F2P games to get progressively worse with each update.

Offline bustr

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 04:04:20 PM »
Does this mean HTC will pro rate me back my subscription fee each month if I choose only to be one of the FPS troops? Or will I be forced to play along side cheap freeloaders using the same equipment while my credit card is being dinged for $14.95?

Why do so many new guys these days try to talk HTC into resurrecting some version of the old "free play" HtH but, in the MA that we pay to access? It's always under the canard that they are personaly concerned for the future of this game. Ultimatly the sales pitch is to convince HTC they won't survive the new generation of gamers if they don't tease them in the door with free access play in the "for pay" arenas.

Also the posters constantly running up this false flag never seem to have any pilot score or stats in the MAs.


Do you have an actual ID you play in this game with, or are you trying to con HTC into giving you free access with this post? Do you create a new 2 week ID twice a month? Are you one of the "8 man arena" napoleons from the old free play HtH a few years back? A number of them have tried this route and specious argument in this forum.

Free Play is for the future good of the game and HTC is cutting it's nose off to spite it's face. "Giving away free stuff" is the gaming wave of the future and it's the only way to get the attention of the new generation of players.

Yes a generation of internet freeloaders who don't want to pay for anything.

So tuton25, why is letting "you" personaly play for free a superior business model than HTC receiving my $14.95 each month? Other than you are anonymously receiving charity from me as if you are using my taxes to sit on your kester eating with foodstamps?

So to this audience of paying customers.

How many of you will take a pledge right now to help pay for tuton25 to play for free every month for say the next 5 years? Just like taxes, if enough of us sign up our individual cost burdens will be that much less. We can contact HTC and request an additional amount be taken from our monthly transaction to cover tuton25's account.

Look at all the things he is promesing will happen that we already have in the game without him. We just have to sign this pledge becasue otherwise we are missing out on the untold magic of the imagery presented by his assertions of a brighter, vibrant, and more exciting future in Aces High.

Who will be the first to sign on to a better tomorrow lead by tuton25?

FORWARD...................... ....... :noid
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline RedBull1

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 04:23:27 PM »
Does this mean HTC will pro rate me back my subscription fee each month if I choose only to be one of the FPS troops? Or will I be forced to play along side cheap freeloaders using the same equipment while my credit card is being dinged for $14.95?

Why do so many new guys these days try to talk HTC into resurrecting some version of the old "free play" HtH but, in the MA that we pay to access? It's always under the canard that they are personaly concerned for the future of this game. Ultimatly the sales pitch is to convince HTC they won't survive the new generation of gamers if they don't tease them in the door with free access play in the "for pay" arenas.

Also the posters constantly running up this false flag never seem to have any pilot score or stats in the MAs.


Do you have an actual ID you play in this game with, or are you trying to con HTC into giving you free access with this post? Do you create a new 2 week ID twice a month? Are you one of the "8 man arena" napoleons from the old free play HtH a few years back? A number of them have tried this route and specious argument in this forum.

Free Play is for the future good of the game and HTC is cutting it's nose off to spite it's face. "Giving away free stuff" is the gaming wave of the future and it's the only way to get the attention of the new generation of players.

Yes a generation of internet freeloaders who don't want to pay for anything.

So tuton25, why is letting "you" personaly play for free a superior business model than HTC receiving my $14.95 each month? Other than you are anonymously receiving charity from me as if you are using my taxes to sit on your kester eating with foodstamps?

So to this audience of paying customers.

How many of you will take a pledge right now to help pay for tuton25 to play for free every month for say the next 5 years? Just like taxes, if enough of us sign up our individual cost burdens will be that much less. We can contact HTC and request an additional amount be taken from our monthly transaction to cover tuton25's account.

Look at all the things he is promesing will happen that we already have in the game without him. We just have to sign this pledge becasue otherwise we are missing out on the untold magic of the imagery presented by his assertions of a brighter, vibrant, and more exciting future in Aces High.

Who will be the first to sign on to a better tomorrow lead by tuton25?

FORWARD...................... ....... :noid

This guy....  :rolleyes:

Personally I would love a little mini FPS inside AH, like in towns and stuff, I think it would be really awesome! However, it's never going to happen  :aok

"There is absolutely no point discussing anything on the BBS, it's mostly populated by people who are right about everything, no one listens and everyone is just talking. People will argue over the shape of an egg." -Anonymous

Offline tuton25

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2012, 04:34:59 PM »
I pay for a subscription every month just like everyone else....
My in-game name is Fish and I fly with the Claim Jumpers on the rooks
I'm not here to Con HTC and if this were add I wouldn't stop my subscrition (I couldn't live without my Mossie)
Part of it is that the 2 week free trial isn't enough time for anyone to get enough air time to be a decent dogfighter, ultimately scaring some new guys away
If they could get some stick time behind a goon and learn some of the physics behind flight they might sign up for a subscription
><))))*> Da Fish is in Da Fight

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2012, 05:28:35 PM »

Do you have an actual ID you play in this game with, or are you trying to con HTC into giving you free access with this post? Do you create a new 2 week ID twice a month? Are you one of the "8 man arena" napoleons from the old free play HtH a few years back? A number of them have tried this route and specious argument in this forum.

Wouldn't work. Seems to track by IP adress or something. Ran out of pre-pay and forgot to renew, so had to create a new account back in '09 or something around there, and didn't get 2 weeks free. Just hear-say, but apparently "someone" got their IP banned by using other computers to create a new account every 2 weeks, but then just playing at their house, or something.

If true, all I can say is fantastic work HTC.

Personally I would love a little mini FPS inside AH, like in towns and stuff, I think it would be really awesome! However, it's never going to happen.

Same. Would love to see FPS guys running around, so you could machine-gun them as they scurry around. A bit like whack-a-mole in the towns, I would imagine.

But I think it should never ever be FTP. And I also recognize that a complete and total overhaul of the game just so you can essentially bail out of your plane and shoot other bailed-out pilots will never happen.

Really, I would like to see multi-purpose infantry though. Like assult/capture infantry, defensive infantry, maybe specialized AT infantry where you can drop 5 two-man bazooka teams that will set up ambushes randomly between 0 and 3000yds from the maproom. All AI, of course. They would essentially function as player-deployed super squishy, short-ranged auto-ack, but firing shaped charge rockets.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 05:34:39 PM by Tank-Ace »
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline bustr

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2012, 05:31:32 PM »

I see you didn't touch on "free play" or simply a mini FPS available as part of your monthly pay for play subscription fee. Free Play is seductive aint it.....

If the idea was wishing for an introduction of FPS then thats been touched on by Hitech as something in consideration some time ago.

The OP is using FPS as part of a canard to promote "free play" in the "for pay" arenas. Sexy idea ain't it? Who pays for it? Hitechcreations? We the $14.95 subscription players?

RedBull, will you agree to join a group of players and ask HTC to take an additional amount from your credit card each moth to pay for tuton25(fish) to play for free? Unless someone else is paying your credit card bill each month and you don't have any control over your subscription contract other than canceling it? Or is yours bought in blocks of time and you have to keep someone happy to get the next block of time?

Fish, you willing to pay a bit more for me to play for free....hmmmm?? HTC is about $2000.00 into me so far in all of these years. Haven't I payed my fair share after all of this time compaired to newer players?

In this game skill takes time and cannot be purchased as an addon or upgrade. Unless you can convice Hitech to sell aimbots and antigrav modules which would kill the game. Hitech has provided tools and toys adfinitum to assist newcomers to develop their skillz. It's a shame most of them don't take the time to use them in the face of knowing how to access them. Besides the Trainers, everyone in this game fancies themselves as trainers. There is no drought of help if asked.

New players getting up to speed is a self serving canard in the face of all of the tools and services provided in this game. Ultimatly you cannot fix stupid or force anyone to expend anymore effort than they want to succeed in this game. But, but, Free Play is just so derned sexy of an idea. Aint it.....who pays for it?? Smirnoff, Jonny Walker, Red Bull USA, Coke Cola, Nike, Joe's Plumbing, Edd's Pak and Save? You and me with increased subscription rates?

Oh, yeah, as usual its up to Hitech to figure that out becasue you are the idea kind of guy opposed to Hitech just does the janitorial work in the basement to keep everything running. tuton2(fish) you are going to make a fine executive some day. Just remember, when your ideas start blowing up, firing employees buys you time and looks good to your investors for that fiscal quarter. Just don't goof and fire your own Hitech by accident and kill the company outright. In the real Hitech's case he dosen't have enough employees to use that trick to offset falling revenues if he makes a mistake. Can you write him a check to cover his payroll and costs for three months?
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2012, 05:37:39 PM »
If they could get some stick time behind a goon and learn some of the physics behind flight they might sign up for a subscription

That won't be helped by your FTP system, where they don't get to fly aircraft. Don't back pedal.

However, something that might be worth it is extending the trial for the TA to something like a month, or maybe 2 months. Enough time for noobs to learn how to fly OK-ish, although it would mean HTC might have to expand the trainer corps so there are more online at any given time.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline RedBull1

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2012, 05:42:04 PM »

I see you didn't touch on "free play" or simply a mini FPS available as part of your monthly pay for play subscription fee. Free Play is seductive aint it.....

If the idea was wishing for an introduction of FPS then thats been touched on by Hitech as something in consideration some time ago.

The OP is using FPS as part of a canard to promote "free play" in the "for pay" arenas. Sexy idea ain't it? Who pays for it? Hitechcreations? We the $14.95 subscription players?

RedBull, will you agree to join a group of players and ask HTC to take an additional amount from your credit card each moth to pay for tuton25(fish) to play for free? Unless someone else is paying your credit card bill each month and you don't have any control over your subscription contract other than canceling it? Or is yours bought in blocks of time and you have to keep someone happy to get the next block of time?

Fish, you willing to pay a bit more for me to play for free....hmmmm?? HTC is about $2000.00 into me so far in all of these years. Haven't I payed my fair share after all of this time compaired to newer players?

In this game skill takes time and cannot be purchased as an addon or upgrade. Unless you can convice Hitech to sell aimbots and antigrav modules which would kill the game. Hitech has provided tools and toys adfinitum to assist newcomers to develop their skillz. It's a shame most of them don't take the time to use them in the face of knowing how to access them. Besides the Trainers, everyone in this game fancies themselves as trainers. There is no drought of help if asked.

New players getting up to speed is a self serving canard in the face of all of the tools and services provided in this game. Ultimatly you cannot fix stupid or force anyone to expend anymore effort than they want to succeed in this game. But, but, Free Play is just so derned sexy of an idea. Aint it.....who pays for it?? Smirnoff, Jonny Walker, Red Bull USA, Coke Cola, Nike, Joe's Plumbing, Edd's Pak and Save? You and me with increased subscription rates?

Oh, yeah, as usual its up to Hitech to figure that out becasue you are the idea kind of guy opposed to Hitech just does the janitorial work in the basement to keep everything running. tuton2(fish) you are going to make a fine executive some day. Just remember, when your ideas start blowing up, firing employees buys you time and looks good to your investors for that fiscal quarter. Just don't goof and fire your own Hitech by accident and kill the company outright. In the real Hitech's case he dosen't have enough employees to use that trick to offset falling revenues if he makes a mistake. Can you write him a check to cover his payroll and costs for three months?
No, it should not be free, it should be just like any other part of the game like GV'ing or something, you select a soldier in the hangar perhaps? rifleman, artillery, sniper, etc., you run out of the tower or perhaps spawn somewhere in or near town? I don't know.

Personally I would love to run circles around tanks and piss them off shooting my rifle at them :lol

Deal with campers in buildings in some creative ways like BF3 :3

I think if HiTech could find a way to introduce this to the game one day it would be great, would broaden the game a LOT, there are not many good WWII FPS games out there other than maybe Red Orchestra, seeing how HTC can model planes and GV's - I would be ecstatic to see what they can do with soldiers  :aok

However like I said, I do not see this happening, and if it does - I don't think it will not be for a very long time
"There is absolutely no point discussing anything on the BBS, it's mostly populated by people who are right about everything, no one listens and everyone is just talking. People will argue over the shape of an egg." -Anonymous