Without going through all of the "you don't play like I want you to play whines" AGAIN, as this horse has been ground to dust already...
the bottom line is, this game has a several different ways to enjoy the game. You can pick and choose any one of them at will. You don't have to fly in the MA or near the busiest bases were the odds of getting picked go up 10000%.
I loved almost every one of the different "fighting styles" in this game. They all provide and demand different skill sets. I have been in 3, 4, and 5v1's and come out on top in every imaginable scenario and died in the same scenarios 98% of the time. Only I didn't complain when I died. As some of the wisest here have already said, I blamed myself.
If all of you 1v1 tards got your way in the MA, this game would be dead. There would be no Levi, or Grizz to aspire to become. It would be so diddlying boring that no one would ever come back to it.