I would like to see a mini series about a small group of Hitler Youth boys getting called up in 1940, going through training and fighting on the Eastern Front. Band of Brothers from the other side.
The Nazi's are despicable evil monsters. But their soldiers were young, dumb and crazy, sitting in holes full of mud and snow, getting bombed and shot at like everyone else. I would just like everyone to see how horrible it is that to this day the German people are forever associated with the Nazi's, and point out the fact that the only real difference between a German soldier in the Wehrmacht and a US Soldier is the uniform he wears and the language he speaks. Each one was conditioned by his country to believe his war was just, and as a result, was stuck in a hole miles from home getting bombed, with crap food, and just each other for company.
It would be far more interesting than watching the same, USA saves the day story every single time I turn on the television.