What Groovy Bruvy said.
I think the most important skill in the F4 is knowing when to use the flat turn, and push for a shot or advantage. You can fly it like an underpowered k4 all you like, but the true strength it has is the ability to surprise your enemy who isn't expecting you to bleed off E quick and use your turn rate and radius to get a quick shot in. When fighting the SPit 5's in the upcoming scenario, what Bruv said IMO is exactly right, you have a bit of an advantage in engine power, thus climb and extending can be used to your advantage, but if you see a Spit making a weak turn, being indecisive, or just plain making a big mistake, knowing how to identify this, and knowing when to go from nose up to nose down and "surprise" your target with a quick flat turn will net you some kills that aren't nearly as easy in the G6/G14/K4 as they can't come around as fast as the F4 can.
Of course, knowing when to do the opposite is important too, by that I mean not getting sucked into a flat turn fight by some crafty Spit 5 pilot who knows all the above and is just baiting you into going for that shot, so he can get you into his playing field and surprise YOU when you decide to push it just a little too far.
The F4/Spit5 is one of the most interesting match ups in the entire game, and if you ask me the one that comes closest to matching up with what has been written and talked about regarding both of these fighters since the war.