what does it mean that it is a developer's kit and not intended for consumer sales.midway
It's a kickstarter project. It's not mass production ready yet (or at least, not produced in mass) they made a limited set for developers.
Hell ya, this makes TrackIR look like cassette tapes! Who needs 3 monitors now.
That's why I haven't got a TrackIR, or three monitors... Kanttori and I visualized this kind of things already about 10 years ago to be the future of PC gaming. Either goggles or a half globe monitor.
Worser is a word....I've seen it used on the BBS a lot.
Had to check for that... After my last school years almost thirty years ago I have kept my English "skills" alive by reading this BBS. I must say I've seen many expressions which fight against what I remember being taught back then, but then again, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.
Is worser a word?No. Worse is already the superlative for bad. So you don't need to add an r to it to make it a superlative.Worse is NOT superlative for bad...Instead it is COMPARATIVE to bad...so it is bad, worse (comparative), worst (superlative)...Comparative degree is used when you compare two things...and superlative is used when you use it as an absolute expression While common in the 16th and 17th centuries, worser is now found only in some regional dialects, and is considered nonstandard.