Turning off combat trim will "not" get rid of nose bounce!
What it does is stop the full up elevator trim that CT dials,often in when you drop flaps.This might help with some of the nose up bounce that happens as you try to counter the full up trim.
Not all nose bounce is up and down,often I see the rudder activated when players pull the trigger,with a twist rudder stick. I can often fly close behind a player and have him shoot and can see the unwanted inputs happening. Just a couple of weeks ago I noticed a longtime player was having this issue,so I closed in behind to see what was happening.
With this player he had rudder pedals so it was an elevator issue,we worked to get rid of the problem,he needed abit of deadpan and just a slight increase in dampening.
I was told by the player his hit percentage went up 2% in the following week!
There are so many different sticks and all players handle them differently so there's no magic setting,but with some time and experimentation most can smoothen out their flying.