I see and understand Vudu's frustration. I am sure that almost everyone agrees, what is the point of posting a ride preference if you dont stand a chance of getting that ride if you are a smaller squad.
In all honesty, I know that when I am CiC I do my best to be fair to everyone. I actually like to pull the smaller squads in with G3-MF because I know they will work with us and will communicate during the week leading to FSO.
The key here (in my mind) is communication in the days prior to FSO. If everyone understands the mission adn communicates leading up and through out, there is mission success so long as the mission planned is sound.
I never try to take over orders and "run" the show in our particular assigned group. But I do try to step up and put something on the table so every squad has input and something is in place for the event. I think most of you know that about me by now.
I never use smaller squads as a filler, but when first started learning about planning, I sent 3 small squads to defend a large airfield and learned a valueable lesson about the smaller squads, which I think this thread is similarily similar to. I haven't done it since.
Vudu, please don't leave FSO as not only wil we all suffer the loss, so will your squad.
I have mad respect for the 325th as they taught us FSO and took us on while we learned and built our squad around these particular events. We have become so proficient that we apply these tactics in the MAs and have driven many a sticks crazy over how we play and fight in the game.
The bottom line is please stay the course. You and Duxford are a valuable asset to the FSO community and it would ba a shame if anyone left over frustration. We stand by you completely and have respect for your squad. Don't lose sight of the fact that most of the time, it is fun. We all stil go through the BS of polotics of the game. I don't (personally) believe favorites are chosen for ride preference, however, I get mad as hell when a squad doesn;t communicate and due to that lack of comms, a mission fails or an entire squad gets taken out because someone wasn't where they were supposed to be. Sometimes, it si simple bad planning, sometimes, it is bacause we are out numbered and out classed. The one thing I preach to my squad is stay together and have fun. If the night ends early, we will meet in the MAs and take i tout on the community...