Ignored the first time I'll try again-- more fleshed out! Split the biggies into wings spread them around and fill with other groups. The big squads still have numbers just spread out in various missions. It might pan out that it could be rotated between large squads so they still get to be the" Lee Malory big wing" on some fso nights.
What problem does this solve? If the planners want 15 planes on station defending a base or bombing a base or escorting bombers, what does a mixed organization do for you besides disrupting unit cohesion that a larger squad has built flying together? I guess I still don't understand the basic problem we are trying to solve. I've seen solutions in the form of
1. requiring all squads to rotate between axis and allied, even if we only need a few from allied to go to axis every time
2. breaking up large squads and making them operate in areas away from each other (kind of defeats the whole "Friday Squad Ops" and makes it more in line with the scenarios IMHO)
3. Split up the large squads, put them on multiple missions, and fill in those missions with small squads
2 & 3 seem closely related, but I'm not sure what problem they are trying to solve. I kind of get the issue #1 is trying to solve, but the logic of that solution escapes me.