If the planes are assigned as jabos, and end up having to dogfight, they are still abiding by the rules.
Having to dogfight and looking for a dogfight are two different bananas.
'Hey! Can we grab to 20k after dropping our bomb?!'
Sure ... but why? You're headed for the egg distribution facility for another, aren't you? You're obviously not switching to fighter sweep or escort roles. By the time you're at 20k you're likely out of the fight and in a sector that is free of bogies. Your base isn't that high.
Nobody's trying to create an environment where the Emils and 110s can't
defend themselves. That's not even a remotely good argument regarding the Jabos wanting to grab to 19,999 feet 5 seconds after drop.
This comes off more like 'how do we use our Emils and 110s in the fighter role in spite of what the rules say' loophole fishing.
Honestly, I have film of Emils (below 15k, granted) not interested in rearming, whatsoever. They were clear of any enemy fighters engaging. They were cruising around looking for engagements. I'd call that a 15k and under fighter sweep. And .... frankly .... I didn't care until KNs took to 'clarifying' the rules in this thread. Funny how the rearm/tower out bonuses are 'obvious' in spite of the wording but Jabos being given the green light to hit the ceiling after a drop is now very important and must be highly detailed in the rules ...... for
some reason.
Hell, Shifty, just give them the green light to make Jabo their secondary assignment and sweep their primary once they drop. I really don't see the threat.