Are you seriously trying to sell me on the idea that a PZL P.7 or an Amiot 143 are going
to be global player magnets for AH?
No Absolutly not .... And your really reaching.
But adding 2-3 countries that have large populations and should be in the Game makes sense to me.
D520, ms406 and the bloch Mb-152 would be a plane set from France <70million people> ...just like the 202 and 205.
Or the Boomerang and we could add the DapMk21 Beau there <Make an exception for the torpedo> Australia<30 million>!
Or 1-2 planes that could incompass an area in europe
Let me ask you what is your oppsition to adding more country's to the game? There were only 5 countries in the war? The Chinese <1.4 billion>... we don't want them? the French were flag waivers? What is it.
What about Language support?
Keep gibbering Arlo you have done it okay for years