The current string of threads about bombers, 163s and strats got me thinking about an old suggestion.
Large bomber formationsImplementation...
A bomber takes off and is followed in succession just as currently modeled, only with 23 drones to compose a formation. The bomber pilot must circle the base for the (historically accurate) form-up within a specified radius. Failure to do so results in lost drones. Drones take off at realistic intervals.
Once drones have formed up, pilot may proceed to target. Which brings me to a secondary and also previously requested suggestion.
AI gunners for the formation.Implementation...
AI gunners within a formation have varied skill levels with the better gunners placed in the most critical guns. AI gunners can fire in multiple directions against multiple attackers. Players can choose to take any position or none at all.
Perhaps AI skill levels can improve with longevity. For example, Each bomber in the formation is numbered; if bombers 12 and 19 continue to survive missions and better yet acquire kills on those missions, the AI skill level
on those aircraft increases to a realistic level, not to the uncommon levels that can be seen in AH.
Validation for large formations...
- Complaints that the recent wind changes make bombing too difficult.
- Complaints it's hard to find fights.
- More bang for the buck.
- Reduction in unrealistic maneuvering.
- Complaints that 163s deter bomber pilots from participation
- New player benefits
The complaints I've seen about bombing accuracy after the wind change seemed to be a knee jerk reaction related to scores. Regardless, the ridiculously accurate results bombers have been getting for years should never be brought back. Combined with the more realistic randomness of bomb hits,
large formations will produce more realistic bombing experience and results. The novelty of a change like this would probably placate any lingering wind worries.
A single fighter that attacks a single bomber formation is potentially provided with more entertainment with no increase in player population. The bomber pilot survives to rtb more often, the fighter pilots get more kills and spends less time looking for fights, etc.
This is especially important on late nights when Euro players may be getting less game for the same dollars spent by US players. Additional arguments can be made along this line.
With 24 bombers, the ability for a formation to endure the less realistic, hard maneuvers that can be seen in game should be reduced along with the gamey factor. Formations would have to make longer, wider turns if they choose to make second passes on the same base.
The odds of success for the bomber pilot increase as the risk to all fast moving attackers increases with more risk of collision or random hits by AI gunners.
New players will have better success in shorter periods of time and enjoy a feature that is not found in any other sim that I am aware of. Additional advantages described below.
Validation for AI gunners...
- New players and learning curve.
- Fighters have an unfair advantage against bombers even if they have 2 gunners.
- Bombers shouldn't be such easy prey and unprotected from multiple fighters from multiple directions.
- Bomber mission inadequacies.
New players have enough of a learning curve without learning to gun from a bomber. A certain amount of success is required early on or only the most devoted or motivated will stay. An inexperienced player may not even have the skill to land for months let alone get kills. Doesn't have to be easy mode, but there should be a little more chance.
Always been this way, fighters are at an advantage until the gunner positions are mastered and that is not too common.
Again, it's unrealistic and an unfair advantage when two or more fighters hit bombers from multiple directions.
Even when players gather enough to build large missions, they rarely have the cohesiveness to stay in a tight formation where they might provide mutual fire support.