In all your images, why are none of the bombers shooting back at you? Does the film player (and or screen capture) not show other peoples tracers?
They were. Might be that I happened to pick a particular instant for the shot where the tracers back to me weren't visible (in between bursts from gunners), or see below for some other thoughts on that.
In the first engagement, this is what happened to me a few seconds later:

I blacked out, came to, and tried to press an attack on another bomber, but had to break off because of defensive fire:

In the 2nd engagement, lots of defensive fire:

The third one, I was taking hits, but I don't have any pics showing the defensive fire.
For the fourth engagement, here is a pic right before the one I posted previously, and I think some of the streaks are his fire back at me.

I think that it might be in the film viewer, tracers from bomber fire are not as prevalent as it seems in game. For example, here is a pick of me hammering a Spit V in the recent Mediterranean Maelstrom scenario from in my Ju 88. I was definitely hammering away at him at this time, and while you see some tracers, you don't see a solid stream of them into the Spit V, which is how it was at my end while wailing away.