Author Topic: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC  (Read 3909 times)

Offline danmac

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2013, 04:18:03 PM »
why isnt spawn fest like v85 have swarms of perk tanks?  the danger there is the other tanks and not the air.

c'mon man that's not anywhere near accurate I landed 25 kills like a day ago or so the threat is from the air all the camped get mad and egg I for one do it to clear out some areas I have more fear from eggs at any spawn than I do a tank and will never take a panther out unless it's dirt cheap let alone a tiger of any kind perks in tanks are just hard to earn to justify loosing a tiger 2 I haven't been playing for 30 years like some of you guys so I don't have 30000000000000 perks to toss about

Offline FLOOB

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2013, 05:00:47 PM »
Perk points are for spending. In other words perk points are for losing. You can't spend vehicle perk points if you land successfully in the perk vehicle.
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Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2013, 11:08:16 PM »
Perhaps do that to a degree (say 30 perks for a king Tiger), but along with that, add a 1.5x perk multiplier for GVs (after the whole equation for perks earned) so that a very good tanker has a real chance at breaking even.

But I can guarantee this still won't get them out and about anywhere near an airfield.  But it's a start.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline Mano

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2013, 12:13:09 AM »
Bombing tanks is too easy. Maybe it is time to reevaluate the perk system when it comes to A/C vs GV. But the heavy armor tanks should keep their high perk price because they were historically in very short supply. Reduce the perk cost by half when bombed.

If the perk factor is adjusted for the A/C vs GV, then it only fair if the perk system is adjusted for GV vs A/C.
Reduce the perk cost by half when the A/C is shot down by a GV. BTW.....I chuckle every time I main gun an A/C with a tank. The animation when they go down is hilarious.

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Offline RotBaron

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2013, 12:32:24 AM »
To the suggestion that we lose gv perks on spawn, uhhh no. Apply that logic to losing perks for upping planes...You'd almost NEVER see another Tiger 2 except on concrete again.  It's rare, but I do run into them on occasion,

Looks like all the typical comments/arguments/etc are here:

Make a good suggestion to be pondered, get shot down by many who refuse to think/consider it, remain hangar queen...

They're casting their bait over there, see?

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2013, 03:32:47 AM »
I just took a King Tiger out at V85 spawn (spawning in from V76 I mean), and landed 7 kills.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline Tilt

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2013, 06:15:51 AM »
if the perk price is too high (ie so high the ride becomes a hanger queen) then maybe HTC should review it.

but to suggest that GV's become immune to the consequences of ac action is not a wish I would like to see come true.

MA action should propagate and encourage the interaction of GV's and AC's IMO and that means that GV's get bombed/straffed/rocketed and AC's  be vulnerable to ground fire.

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Offline JUGgler

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2013, 08:22:54 AM »
Wouldn't it be nice IF you could pay "with perks" to have an AA drone to accompany your tank?
It would be like bomber drones, staying close to your tank and you could switch to it at will, it could also be killed independently of your tank and vice versa.

Then through the expenditure of more perks you could have some AA cover for your King Tiger or any "non AA" GV for that matter:x

Just a thought!

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Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2013, 08:40:40 AM »
why isnt spawn fest like v85 have swarms of perk tanks?  the danger there is the other tanks and not the air.


Just 2 days ago I upped a Fw190F-8 with a 250kg bomb and the rockets.  I did two sorties and both times I was shot down by enemy fighters providing cover for the gv fest.  However, both times I was able to drop my 250kg (550 lb) bomb and get three kills each time thanks to the enemy gv's huddling behind a mound or barn.  Also, both times I was able to make a 2nd and 3rd pass with the Pb1 rockets and though I did not earn any kills, I did track or turret 2 differnt tanks on each sortie. 

There is plenty of threat from the air at V85, and V85 is not a good example because is rare.  In most situations there is not the chance to land kills while spawning in to an away gv spawn point.   
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Offline R 105

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2013, 08:43:52 AM »
As a matter of fact, I have thought about something like that for a long time, along with other measures aimed at encouraging players to use the fat tanks more offensively instead of just sitting on the base.

Usually it's King Tigers sitting on a base waiting for cheap Panzer & T-34/85 attacking (because an attacking tank can almost universally be considered as a loss at the moment it spawns in somewhere). Wouldn't it be great when more often a KT would be brought in to battle the KT sitting on a Vbase in a epic shootout instead of simply dropping a 1000lbs on it?

Offline 5PointOh

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2013, 09:05:05 AM »
IMO as some others have said, it's how GVs accumulate perks.  If I take out a Mossie and kill 2-3 P-51s I can easily land a 10-15 perk sortie. An M8 killing 6 or 7 Tanks no where close. So maybe it the OBJ/ENY or perk multiplier that needs to be adjusted.
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Offline TDeacon

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2013, 09:34:05 AM »
Want to move perk vehicles off of the concrete?  Lower the cost and make it so that they are gone the moment you spawn.  A safe landing won't even get them back, just get you a 1.25 multiplier on perks earned that sortie.

Because of how aircraft are used this wouldn't have to be applied to aircraft.

All that does is to further discourage the use of perked GVs, which makes things worse.  Remember, the issue with perks usually isn't that one doesn't have them, but that they are depressing to lose in a game context (a "failure").  Loosing GV perks to a plane is even worse, as it takes minimal skill to kill even the best GV with a plane.  Imagine how your enjoyment would be affected if the game included a random 1/3 chance that your perk plane would be destroyed at some point during your flight, possibly in the middle of something interesting.  That's how it feels sometimes.  So the OP is basically an attempt to lessen this negative element, and encourage a bit more GV game play diversity than we have currently.  

A better solution would be maps designed with locations where GVs could operate relatively free from AC interference, but this idea requires map support, which is hard to come by.  Some people just won't try to see the other guy's point of view.  

« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 09:49:06 AM by TDeacon »

Offline Wiley

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2013, 09:58:58 AM »
Imagine how your enjoyment would be affected if the game included a random 1/3 chance that your perk plane would be destroyed at some point during your flight, possibly in the middle of something interesting.

...So like when someone drags your plane to a nest of wirbles during a base defense?  Kinda like that?

The arena is populated by other types of vehicles.  It's part of the game.  We have AA vehicles for a reason.

Why not just skip the middleman and have the GV's Ahoy arena that doesn't allow aircraft?

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline TDeacon

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2013, 10:17:55 AM »
...So like when someone drags your plane to a nest of wirbles during a base defense?  Kinda like that?

No, it would be like you are engaging in base defense, and someone in an orbiting space ship decided to obliterate you with a laser beam from 1000 miles away.  The point being that for all practical purposes death is likely, and there's nothing you can do about it, thus the analogy with random events.  

The arena is populated by other types of vehicles.  It's part of the game.  We have AA vehicles for a reason.

If you think this is adequate to deter bombing of an expensive perk tank, I suggest you try taking one out with attack aircraft around, and see how long you last.

Bottom line is consider the *reason* for the OP, which is to get more perk tanks driving around the countryside instead of sitting on concrete.  Try to avoid the knee-jerk ground-attack-versus-GV response.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 10:27:01 AM by TDeacon »

Offline Karnak

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Re: Eliminate GV perk loss if killed by AC
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2013, 10:23:57 AM »
Aparently you guys missed the point where I said perk costs would need to be drastically lowered along with not refunding the pe rk price.  Think Tiger IIs for 10-20 perks.  At 10 perks that is equal to a 10 to 1 k/d ratio with the current priced Tiger II, which is a bit higher than its ove rall k/d ratio.
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