Let's start a thread on this new, very powerful feature, in particular for bombing runs with multiple pilot formations. It seems to be somewhat of a mystery and I'm not seeing it used much yet, so I'll start things off as best I understand the feature and please add or correct anything I get wrong or leave out.
This feature allows a formation of pilots to select a wingleader and then move into an advantageous position to that wingleader and then lock in the position of your planes relative to his. At that point the wingleader is now flying all planes in the formation. One huge advantage to this is that when you go to your guns the formations won't drift apart and you have the advantage of concentrated fire from all planes in the formation. The second big advantage is the ability to carpet bomb. The wingleader calibrates his bombsight while the other pilots man their guns, then on the command of the wingleader all pilots can jump to the pilots position (F1) and drop their bombs. No need for each pilot to calibrate their bomb sight as the wingleader has effectively calibrated for all of the planes in the formation when he calibrates his bomb sight.
If you are the wingleader you will need to throttle back about 10% which allows the other planes in the formation to adjust to your movements. If you are full throttle, the other planes have nothing left to make small adjustments in their speed to hold their position relative to the wingleader.
This feature is very simple to use and setup:
1. First you must map the Autopilot Wingman Mode on your keyboard. Here is how to do it:
A. Go to "Options" on your clipboard
B. Select "Controls"
C. Select "Map Keys"
D. Select "Flight" on the left lower side of the keyboard display that will pop up
E. Select "Autopilot Wingman Mode"
F. Hold down the CRTL and W keys at the same time (they will both light up)
G. Press "Set Key"
H. Done!
You should only need to set CRTL-W once and you should be ready to go each time you start AH.
Here is a practical application of the above, but there are many more. You have 5 bomber pilots heading to a target to help bring it down, let's name them:
It is decided John will be the wingleader of the formation, so the other four pilots each use the dot command in the text buffer ".wingman John" (without the quotation marks).
The other four pilots will see John's icon turn white indicating the wingman command has been engaged.
John cuts his throttle by 10% (or goes to "Normal Cruise" rpms and manifold pressure). This allows the other pilots to move into position around John.
For example let's say Tom moves 200 yards to John's left, and Dick moves 200 yards to John's right forming a shallow "V" formation. Harry moves directly behind and above John by 400 yards, and Pete moves directly behind and below John by 400 yards. Harry and Pete have filled in the gap in the rear of the "V" both high and low and all pilots can bring guns to bear on just about every angle of attack from interceptors and their entire formation is only about 400 yards in size. As each pilot finds his position relative to John he holds down CRTL-W to turn on the Autopilot Wingman Mode and at that point John is now flying that pilot's planes. To break the CRTL-W lock simply touch your joystick while in the pilots seat, or go to your bombsight and you are flying your own planes again. This allows you to make adjustments to your position or bomb independently and then hit CRTL-W again when you are ready to lock back into the formation.
This holds the formation incredibly tight (as long as John doesn't make any radical maneuvers) allowing the other pilots to go to their guns without the formation drifting apart. John can also set his autopilot and man his guns also. Imagine the defensive fire of 5 B-17's holding this formation in route to their target.
Now the formation is nearing their target and they want to level the city at the strats or some other target. Harry and Pete swing out of their high and low rear positions and take positions to the left and right of Tom and Dick. The entire group adjusts the width of their formation to their liking and resets the Autopilot Wingman Mode by hitting CRTL-W again. John is now flying all planes again, and this allows John to calibrate the center of the target while the other pilots keep a lookout from their gun positions or F3 knowing that the group will hit everything the width of two formations to the left and right of John. Add more pilots and cut a wider path or split the formation to hit multiple targets.
I'll stop here and let others jump in with more and better ideas on how to use this powerful new command. I have flown in these Wingman Autopilot Mode formations with devastating defensive and bombing results. And then I have continued to fly with some groups that aren't using it with the usual results of being picked apart piecemeal by fighters as our formations drifted apart while we were in our guns either in route or over the target. The difference is night and day.
P.S. I have also started a new squad "Rough Puppies" that will be running Wingman Autopilot Mode bombing raids to the Strats and in support of Base Captures. Send me a PM if you are interested or look me up in the MA