Author Topic: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts  (Read 6312 times)

Offline shoresroad

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Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« on: July 31, 2013, 04:02:47 AM »
Rough Puppies is now recruiting bomber pilots and fighter escort pilots to form up 3 times a week to run U.S. prime time evening Bomber Raids to the Strats, HQ, and in support of Base Capture Missions.

Squad Nights
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night starting at 9pm Eastern (8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific) and will run for approximately 2 hours.  During this time we will run 1 or 2 missions depending on the distance and time of the first mission.  We may adjust the starting times and days based on input from squad members, but this is where we will start.    

Non-squad Nights
Do absolutely whatever you want!  Drive GV’s, furball, take bases, have fun.  There will be no pressure to do anything organized at all other than what you and your squaddies feel like putting together ad-hoc or what you feel like doing alone or with other friends outside the squad.  Of course I'll be online a lot on non-squad nights also and we can put together ad-hoc activities.  I also enjoy flying fighter sweeps and escorting bombers, so you'll see me in fighters a lot on non-squad nights.

The Lowdown
Bomber Pilots will use the new, very powerful Autopilot Wingman Mode feature.  This feature allows a formation of pilots to select a wingleader and then move into an advantageous position to that wingleader and then lock in the position of your planes relative to his.  At that point the wingleader is now flying all planes in the formation.  One huge advantage to this is that when you go to your guns the formations won't drift apart and you have the advantage of concentrated fire from all planes in the formation.  The second big advantage is the ability to carpet bomb.  The wingleader calibrates his bombsight while the other pilots man their guns, then on the command of the wingleader all pilots can jump to the pilots position (F1) and drop their bombs.  No need for each pilot to calibrate their bomb sight as the wingleader has effectively calibrated for all of the planes in the formation when he calibrates his bomb sight.

This feature is very simple to use and setup:

1. First you must map the Autopilot Wingman Mode on your keyboard.  Here is how to do it:
    A. Go to "Options" on your clipboard
    B. Select "Controls"
    C. Select "Map Keys"
    D. Select "Flight" on the left lower side of the keyboard display that will pop up
    E. Select "Autopilot Wingman Mode"
    F. Hold down the CRTL and W keys at the same time (they will both light up)
    G. Press "Set Key"
    H. Done!

You should only need to set CRTL-W once and you should be ready to go each time you start AH.

Here is a practical application of the above, but there are many more.  You have 5 bomber pilots heading to a target to help bring it down, let's name them:

It is decided John will be the wingleader of the formation, so the other four pilots each use the dot command in the text buffer ".wingman John" (without the quotation marks).
The other four pilots will see John's icon turn white indicating the wingman command has been engaged.  John goes to "Normal Cruise" rpms and manifold pressure.  This allows the other pilots to move into position around John.

For example let's say Tom moves 200 yards to John's left, and Dick moves 200 yards to John's right forming a shallow "V" formation.  Harry moves directly behind and above John by 400 yards, and Pete moves directly behind and below John by 400 yards.  Harry and Pete have filled in the gap in the rear of the "V" both high and low and all pilots can bring guns to bear on just about every angle of attack from interceptors and their entire formation is only about 400 yards in size.  As each pilot finds his position relative to John he holds down CRTL-W to turn on the Autopilot Wingman Mode and at that point John is now flying that pilot's planes.  To break the CRTL-W lock simply touch your joystick while in the pilot’s seat, or go to your bombsight and you are flying your own planes again.  This allows you to make adjustments to your position or bomb independently and then hit CRTL-W again when you are ready to lock back into the formation.  There will be times where carpet bombing will not be the answer and instead each pilot will take control of their planes for precision bombing over the target, but still enjoy the defensive advantage of formation flying in transit to and from the target.

This holds the formation incredibly tight (as long as John doesn't make any radical maneuvers) allowing the other pilots to go to their guns without the formation drifting apart.  John can also set his autopilot and man his guns also.  Imagine the defensive fire of 5 B-17 formations (15 planes) holding this formation in route to their target.

Now the formation is nearing their target and they want to level the city at the strats or some other target.  Harry and Pete swing out of their high and low rear positions and take positions to the left and right of Tom and Dick.  The entire group adjusts the width of their formation to their liking and resets the Autopilot Wingman Mode by hitting CRTL-W again.  John is now flying all planes again, and this allows John to calibrate the center of the target while the other pilots keep a lookout from their gun positions or F3 knowing that the group will hit everything the width of two formations to the left and right of John.  Add more pilots and cut a wider path or split the formation to hit multiple targets.

I have flown in these Wingman Autopilot Mode formations with devastating defensive and bombing results.  And then I have continued to fly with some groups that aren't using it with the usual results of being picked apart piecemeal by fighters as our formations drifted apart while we were in our guns either in route or over the target.  The difference is night and day.

This also makes missions with the lessor bombers like the He111 and Betty more feasible.  Right now a lone formation of He111's is often cannon fodder.  A formation of ten He111 pilots (30 He111's) tucked in tight together with fighter escorts would be a different story.  We will certainly up these types of formations for some variety and a challenge.

Fighter Escort Pilots
We plan on mixing up the composition of the bomber formations for variety (ie: B-17's one mission, Betty's the next) and flying at realistic bomber altitudes which could be anywhere from 10 or 12k up to 28k depending on the target destination and the bomber’s sweet spot for cruising.  So we will be showing a large dar bar for at least 2 or 3 sectors (and often more) that should bring lots of hungry interceptors.  That will mean plenty of action for escort fighters also.  

We plan to fly to fight, as well as bomb! I have been on some large missions which have become epic battles at 20k, with interceptors tearing through the formations with escorts in pursuit and guns blazing everywhere.  In the end the mission is not destroyed but heavily damaged with maybe a 50% loss of pilots and drones, but also many interceptors and escorts shot down and hopefully fun for all.  I have been on missions where the entire bomber formation has been destroyed, and I have been on missions where we have devastated the interceptors.  The risk is there that should add to the drama and fun!

I will be posting these missions as Pickup Missions to give folks an idea of what we’re doing (both within the squad and outside the squad), but you’re welcome to choose your own skin and come into the mission by upping at the field independent of the mission.  Bomber pilots are strongly encouraged to bring the same bomber as listed in the mission, as the different bombers have different rates of climb and cruise speeds making mixed formations difficult to maintain and you will get left behind if you choose a bomber with a slower cruise or climb rate.  Escort pilots are encouraged to bring their favorite ride and skin, although I’ll also have several escort fighters listed in the Pickup Mission.  

Visitors are Welcome!
Already happy with your current squadron as a bomber pilot or fighter pilot but looking for something new to do?  We will be posting these missions on country radio and you are welcome to join us on any or all missions!

New players are also welcome, but I will train you on non-squad nights as we won’t hold up a mission trying to explain the basics.

I plan on rotating the wingleader for the bomber formations from mission to mission to keep things interesting for squad mates and we will often split the formations to hit multiple targets over the strats or bases, so there will be plenty of room for individuality as well as strength in numbers both defensively and offensively.

What Country?
Right now I am flying Bishop, so that's where we will start, but where the Rough Puppies end up flying will depend on where the interest lies.  I think most players like a “home country” so if we rotate countries it will be slowly (maybe once every 3 to 6 months) or not at all.  This will be a democratic decision by the squad once we are up and running.

Send me a PM if you are interested or look me up in the MA.  Join us for a few squad nights to find out if this is your cup of tea and then if things work out for both of us I’ll send you a squad invite.  I think I can say this for sure once we are up and running: If you are looking for a fight, or for something different to do 2 or 3 times a week for a couple of hours, come fly with the Rough Puppies!

Minimum Age Requirement is 18

For more information on the Autopilot Wingman Mode here is a thread in Help and Training.  Lot's of duplicate information posted by me, but also good information and feedback posted by other AH Players:,351783.0.html

Badger :salute
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 06:26:49 AM by shoresroad »
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
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Offline GhostCDB

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 07:48:24 AM »
Good Luck Badger.

You are AWESOME  :banana:

Top Gun

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 08:26:02 AM »
Good Luck Badger.

You are AWESOME  :banana:


Thanks, Ghost.

Good luck at the Naval Academy :salute
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 08:35:26 AM by shoresroad »
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline nooby52

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2013, 09:26:58 AM »
Best of luck to you Badger  :salute

Flying as "South52" for VF-17 Jolly Rogers
17 Squadron - The Hardest Day Battle of Britain
204 Kokutai - Target Rabaul
610 Squadron -TFT Battle of Britain

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2013, 09:38:04 AM »
Best of luck to you Badger  :salute

Thanks, South.

Badger :salute
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline Zacherof

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2013, 12:17:32 PM »
Good luck badger. Hopefully there may be small bomber hunting missions for an apic battle.
In game name Xacherof
USN Sea Bee
I am a meat popsicle

Offline Hap

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 01:13:51 PM »
<S> Rough Puppies sure the squad will be great!

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 06:57:33 PM »
Good luck badger. Hopefully there may be small bomber hunting missions for an apic battle.

Thanks, Zach.

I hope so too.  Once we get decent numbers in the missions we plane on flying to fight, as well as bomb :)

Ain't no fun if we put good defensive bomber formations together with escorts and nobody tries to shoot us down :lol

My goal will be to get bombers home with damage scores AND kills :aok

Badger :salute 
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2013, 06:58:35 PM »
<S> Rough Puppies sure the squad will be great!

Thanks, Hap!

Badger :salute
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2013, 02:02:42 AM »
Our first Squad Night and missions will begin tonight Aug 1st at 9pm Eastern :airplane:

We are looking for pilots who are interested in joining Rough Puppies and also for pilots who want to stay in their current squads but fly missions with us, so you're welcome either way :aok

Hope you can join us :cheers:

Badger :salute 
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2013, 03:28:13 AM »
Well, last night was a bust :furious

We had 10 or 12 experienced players show up for a B-17 raid on the strats, and 2 minutes from mission launch the mission vaporized (self deleted?).

I resubmitted it, but then none of us could join it with the error message "You are already in a mission."

After fiddling around for 5 or 10 minutes one player was able to join after restarting AH, and then I found the same to be the case.  So everybody would have had to exit and restart AH...oh well, never mind.

Sorry guys...I appreciate you showing up.  I've never seen this happen before and I hope to never see it again.

Will try again Saturday night.  Too bad...with 10 or 12 B-17's over the strats during prime time in tight formation we would have had a helluva good fight :D

Badger :salute
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2013, 02:34:43 AM »
Three pilots total (9 B-17's) in the Strat raid on Saturday night (including me) and we had a good time, but all planes were lost (the last one was shot down on final approach to landing).  Almost half our planes were picked off before we could form up by what might have been a reception party.  We got two kills and smoked a couple of others including a 262.

A friend from another country told me on Friday there had been a reception party planned by his country for our aborted Thursday night raid for sure.  Of course, we might have hit the other country (actually, I was going to).  But based on the 10+ pilots who showed up for the Thursday raid we would have likely destroyed the reception party in any case :t

But based on that I'm going to run the missions "whenever" rather than on specific nights and times published here on the bbs :D

Badger :salute
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 03:59:07 AM by shoresroad »
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline Hap

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2013, 07:24:08 AM »
message sent.  let me know if you did not receive.

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2013, 02:20:26 PM »
message sent.  let me know if you did not receive.


Thanks, Hap.
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen

Offline shoresroad

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Re: Rough Puppies Recruiting Bomber Pilots and Fighter Escorts
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2013, 11:06:31 PM »
The Rough Puppies welcome BluBerry  :cheers:

Blu has accepted the position of Executive Officer (XO) and will be our Escort Fighter Lead.

Blu will be involved in all aspects of squad operations including mission planning and escort tactics.

Badger :salute
"Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant."
Manfred von Richthofen