Author Topic: August '13 KOTH Dates.  (Read 2264 times)

Offline fuzeman

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August '13 KOTH Dates.
« on: August 01, 2013, 12:00:01 PM »
August's KOTH will be held on Fryday 23 August 2013 @5pm EDT in SEA2 with the Hurricane Mk. I the first crate.
Make a note it will not be the usual second of the month Fryday.
Hope to see you there for hours of dogfighting fun.
Will YOU be the one that is  :banana:  ,  :D  ,  :rock  after you  :airplane:  circles around everyone else and  :ahand   to them  and   :neener:  in their faces?  :O

All done, of course, while flying like an  :angel:      or maybe like a  :devil  with  :t  thought's in your head.   ;)

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Offline rpm

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 02:02:08 PM »
I really hate to complain because I know this is an all volunteer staff, but 5pm Eastern is a horrible time unless you live on the East Coast or are unemployed.
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Offline fuzeman

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2013, 09:45:52 PM »
   Well, the reason it is then was waaaaay back it used to be EuroKOTH, to hopefully fit a time some non-North American continent residing people could attend. IIRC Gremlin was running that one and I quit the Training Corps,  :frown: , to keep the event going back in 2005. I had no weekday job and helped sister care for our Uncle so I had the time. Betty was running SatKOTH which was scheduled at 9pm ET and that was the event for North American continental residents, but that didn't last too long. I can NOT run the event Saturday at 9PM ET and I just kept running it when I had been running it. Being a 1 person team at the time I did not want to run two events per month as that started to wear on me when I did run both when the other host couldn't.
   KOTH may change a little regarding times and such, not the basic event though, at least not to my knowledge, when ElD takes over the reigns in 2014 and at that point I'll be out of the loop.  :D 

I'm sure he'd love to hear everyones ideas, well maybe not everyones, on how to improve the event that has the most dogfighting in it that the "CM Team" runs.    :devil
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Offline ELD66

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2013, 10:08:29 PM »
Look to see KOTH returning on Saturday. I am currently 1757 miles from my PC so I can't write a long reply on my tablet. But I should wrap up my KOTH training soon. Which means two KOTH a month until Fuze retires.

With that said it is even more important we get more KOTH staff. If you are interested contact me. I will return around August 15th, so if you don't hear from me until then that is why.

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Offline MickDono

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 05:00:24 AM »
I really hate to complain because I know this is an all volunteer staff, but 5pm Eastern is a horrible time unless you live on the East Coast or are unemployed.

or the uk :bhead

Offline fuzeman

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2013, 10:03:35 PM »
I really hate to complain because I know this is an all volunteer staff, but 5pm Eastern is a horrible time unless you live on the East Coast or are unemployed.

The time used to be 3PM ET back in 2008 but there were suggestions from KOTHers to move it back a few hours.,258471.0.html
KOTH is one event that has more player input than most and if the KOTHers want it moved around an hour or two, I could accommodate it.
It wouldn't do much good to move it back with FSO later that night though would it?

Opinions? Feel free to state yours IF you fly in the event.
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Offline sunfan1121

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2013, 01:05:09 AM »
Why not have it at 11est Every FSO off week? I don't think it would be a good idea to compete with FSO.
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Offline Debrody

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2013, 06:58:14 AM »
11 EST is 04 or 05 in euro time. I know, we are in minority, still.
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Offline rpm

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2013, 07:37:17 AM »
Just my 2 cents but 9pm est would allow most US time zones a fair chance of participating. Glad to hear ElDiablo is joining as a host. :banana:
Fuze does a great job, but I'm sure he can use the all help he can get.
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Offline fuzeman

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 10:52:06 AM »
My primary role for FriKOTH is still a Euro-friendly event more than a US friendly one as that was what it was originally for and there aren't many of those left in Aces High. I don't want to make it a US timed event and then when another host joins and starts a primarily US event, as I assume the event will be Saturday, then have both of them suited for one time period. Even though I'm a Yank and shipping that dam plaque overseas lately makes me think about selling my second kidney to cover shipping costs[ YIKES, fuzeman made a joke! Mark this date in history!!. ] that has no bearing on the time.

For the Euro contingent, again, I am willing to move the time around a little but with only five more KOTHs this year will it make a big difference?

Is the original 3PM ET a better time?

Why not have it at 11est Every FSO off week? I don't think it would be a good idea to compete with FSO.
Again, this would also make it a mainly US event. I also tried to standardise the day for the second Fryday of the month to be consistant. Training is making me adjust the dates lately though and that's OK.
Another reason that wouldn't happen is I don't want to be hosting an event at 11PM Fryday night and wouldn't want the KOTH schedule to be dependant on ANY other event.
As far as me needing help, Dr. Phil just hangs up on me now.
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Offline fuzeman

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2013, 09:11:08 AM »
Guess I don't have to bother thinking about a new time.
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2013, 04:39:53 AM »
My primary role for FriKOTH is still a Euro-friendly event more than a US friendly one as that was what it was originally for and there aren't many of those left in Aces High. I don't want to make it a US timed event and then when another host joins and starts a primarily US event, as I assume the event will be Saturday, then have both of them suited for one time period. Even though I'm a Yank and shipping that dam plaque overseas lately makes me think about selling my second kidney to cover shipping costs[ YIKES, fuzeman made a joke! Mark this date in history!!. ] that has no bearing on the time.

Fuzeman made a joke!!   Hell is freezing over IMMINENTLY!!!    :bolt: 

2 events one US based and one Euro friendly has always worked well.   Sat - Sun are always busier because people are not work.  You could do 2 on the same day with a different host. 

PS: We are all very grateful to you for keeping this fantastic event alive and I think all of us have offered to pay shipping costs.
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Offline sunfan1121

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2013, 05:04:09 AM »
Fuzeman made a joke!!   Hell is freezing over IMMINENTLY!!!    :bolt: 

2 events one US based and one Euro friendly has always worked well.   Sat - Sun are always busier because people are not work.  You could do 2 on the same day with a different host. 

PS: We are all very grateful to you for keeping this fantastic event alive and I think all of us have offered to pay shipping costs.
Sunday KOTH sounds like a good idea.  :aok
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Offline Wiley

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2013, 04:38:02 PM »
Saturday KOTH makes me smile because I FSO.  Glad to see it's coming back. :)

Only ever was able to get to a couple of them but they were a ton of fun.

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Offline ELD66

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Re: August '13 KOTH Dates.
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2013, 12:48:31 AM »
Why not have it at 11est Every FSO off week? I don't think it would be a good idea to compete with FSO.

 Mostly because the KOTH schedule, has always and will continue to be based on the life's of the CM's running it, not the calender.

 On the other side of the coin, it would be alot more participants. I will look into it, but FSO does jump around a bit due to holidays. So it wouldn't be say the 3rd week of each month etc.

Also I just returned. So if you want to work with the CM's and are willing to work with the schedule then please send me a PM or email.
E1Diablo in game

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